
originalAirdate not right

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  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-31

    Got it. Forgot I also need the new client ID from the registry.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-03-31

    I didn't need the client ID. it hasn't changed.

    You can get the listings back for those 3 channels by using Edit Channels - Edit Listings.

    For 13.1 link it with WTVTDT-EPG Collector (just before 24.2)
    For 28.1 link it with WFTSDT-EPG Collector (just in front of 62.4)
    For 66.1 link it with WXPXDT-EPG Collector (just after 26.6, the last one in the list)

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-03-31

    Did the above, recovered those channels in guide (and they are fully functional - viewing and recording), however, their listings in guide go to 4/11, while the other four channels (3, 8, 10 & 44) go up to 4/4 then there is no data for these other four channels. Tried re-running EPG Collector and its after tasks, but did not help. What’s going on?

    PS: Great job on re-mapping channels. However you must remember there are no guides on how to use WMC (to my knowledge) and most of us users only ever used just basics (like initial setup and setting recording defaults). So I took me a while to find Edit Listings, almost gave up. So Edit Channels, double click on name then edit listings would have helpful for people like me. Anyway thanks for your efforts and support.

  • Steve Bickell

    Steve Bickell - 2020-04-01

    Sorry I thought we had gone thru this procedure before.

    I had a look at your database again and you need to do the same thing with the other channels. EPGC is currently posting data against a different version of those channels to what the guide is showing.

    For example 31. needs to be mapped to WEDUDT - EPG Collector (ie the one without HD in the name) and you then get data thru to the 11th.

    I don't know why this needs to be done but with all your setp issues it's probably not worth investigating. Check all your scheduled recordings are still OK after doing the mapping.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-01

    Thanks that worked perfectly. Viewing and recording all ok. Might have had one or two series shows that I had to cancel and then re-schedule, but that was all. Thanks.

  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-19

    WMC is a strange beast. Two zap2it downloads with same descriptions for program Tommy on 4/23 declared. System 2 set up to record it and system 1 declared it a repeat and configured to not record. And looking at Titan website they claim it is new. Anyway all is otherwise working. Here is zap2it for both systems if you want to compare.

  • Carl Fosler

    Carl Fosler - 2020-04-21


    I took a look at your two xml files.  Basically, they are the same, except 2xmltv seems to be newer (only some Paid Programming changes).  There are only two entries for "Tommy" and they are both identical.  The entry 04/23 entry is a repeat and the 04/30 is new.  Maybe system 2 is set to record both new and repeat.
  • jim barger

    jim barger - 2020-04-21

    Double checked, system 2 is set to record only new shows.

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