
Running the Double Agent on Windows 7

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-01-18

    I believe i downloaded and installed the Double Agent software for my 64 bit Windows 7 system.  I have mcafee security on my computer as well.   I dont know what to do at this point.  My agent does not load and I dont see him on my desktop.  I find the double agent in the control panel.  When I open the double agent and on the gallery tab I see my two agents in the box, I click ok but then nothing happens.  What am I doing wrong?  I am not a computer expert.  ANy advice is appreciated but please make it understandable to me.  THank you.

  • Cinnamon Software

    What kind of software are you using to show the character on the desktop?

    If you are writing your own code, could you perhaps provide a sample of the commands you are using to display the character?  Are you checking the results of these commands, and if so are you getting any errors?

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-01-23

    I dont understand your question.  The character does not show on my desktop.  I downloaded and thought the double agent software would do that.  Was I wrong?

  • Cinnamon Software

    Double Agent is not an application, it is a library that's used by applications.

    There are a number of applications that use Microsoft Agent to show animated characters, but Microsoft has abandoned MS Agent so Double Agent was created as a replacement.

    Just installing Double Agent doesn't actually make anything show up on your desktop.  You also need to install some kind of application that uses it do something.

    You can do a web search to find applications that use Microsoft Agent.  They will also work with Double Agent.

    Check out

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-01-31

    Thank you for your responses but I do not fully understand you.  Can you please explain it to me.  My old computer, Ithink i only downloaded the MS agent and the character I wanted and he would show up on my desktop when my computer started.  So if Double agent is a replace of the MS agent software, then should I just need Double agent and the character I wanted for it to work? 
    I dont know understand your use of applications.  I think MS agent was an application and Double agent was a replace so it would be too.

  • Cinnamon Software

    An application is a program that actually does something on its own, like a word processor or a spreadsheet.

    MS Agent and Double Agents are not applications, they are services.  They can read character definitions, show characters, animate them, and make them speak.  However, they will only do this when an applications asks them to.

    On their own, these services have no initiative.  It is up to the application to request a specific character and tell the service where to show it, which animations to play, and what to say.

    If you had an agent showing up on your old computer, then there _must _have been some application that was using the MS Agent or Double Agent service.  The service on its own will do nothing - it just waits for requests from an application and then "serves" the request.

    The trick would be to remember which application you were using on your old computer.  Under what circumstances did the character show up?  What did it do?  Which application was it working for?

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-01

    The character showed up everytime the computer was turned on.  It was in the lower right corner in front of the desktop and any internet page.  The character was tell me the weather forcast, my stock quotas,.  I dont understand your last question.

  • Cinnamon Software

    You must have had some kind of news reader application that started automatically when the computer was turned on.

    Don't you remember installing it?

    Search the web for a news aggregator that is MS Agent enabled. 

  • Genfoch01

    Genfoch01 - 2012-02-01

    sounds almost like cyber buddy which seems to have issues with win7 anyway.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-05

    You are right, I finally remembered I installed cyber buddy.  I found this response but I have not tried it yet because I need to understand it first.

    This solution didn't work for me. I was able to get Cyberbuddy to work on my Windows 7 computer by downloading and installing the Cyberbuddy components found at :

    I then copied the entire cyberbuddy installation folder from my computer running Windows XP to my computer running Windows 7. Cyberbuddy is now working.


    Microsoft is no longer supporting MS Agent ( Merlin and the other characters) and no longer including the components needed to run MS Agent in its operating systems. This website has more information.

  • Cinnamon Software

    Re:  Microsoft is no longer supporting MS Agent ( Merlin and the other characters) and no longer including the components needed to run MS Agent in its operating systems.

    LOL, we have now come full circle :-).

    Yes indeed, this is why we created Double Agent in the first place.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-06

    So, is there anything I can do at this point then?

  • Genfoch01

    Genfoch01 - 2012-02-06

    I'm not clear on something. You say you got cyberbuddy to work on win 7 correct? so I am confused about your last question.

    on a side note, I did send email to the author of cyber buddy asking if it might be updated to use double agent instead. I have not received a response yet.   My attempt at getting  cyberbuddy to work on win 7 was not a good one. it forces installation of MSagent ( even though its not supported on win7) and when it did run, it consistently crashed every 2 or 3 minutes.

    I did not try your trick of installing on xp and then moving the install dir to my win7 machine. 

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-06

    I am sorry for the confusion.  I have not gotten cyberbuddy to work on win 7.  The only I have done so far is download double agent.  Then I dont know what to do. 

    IT was not my trick, it was a post i found on the net regarding it.

  • Genfoch01

    Genfoch01 - 2012-02-06

    cyberbuddy checks to see if msagent is installed and will then attempt to install it if its not there.  Cyber buddy does not "see" DA even if it is installed. I don't trust the agent package cyberbuddy uses ( because the version of agent does not work on win7 and I haven't see any thing that tells me it get the win 7 agent package.

    I would go to the ms link (from above) install the win 7 agent. then go to DA control and turn on emulation (the button that
    says "use double agent" then try to install CB.

    just my $0.02 worth.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-07

    Thank you,  where is the MS link to install win 7 agent??

  • Cinnamon Software

    The link to the MS Agent for Windows 7 hotfix is (as noted on the Double Agent web site

    When you get there, you must request the hotfix from Microsoft and then wait forn an email from them that will link you to the download.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-08

    I tried, I get microsoft email but the link under the package always produces a error, "website can not be found".  Now what should I do?

  • Genfoch01

    Genfoch01 - 2012-02-08

    go to the cyber buddy web site and ask the author to make a build using Double Agent.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2012-02-09

    Cyber buddy used ms agent in the past?

  • Genfoch01

    Genfoch01 - 2012-02-09

    yes, cyber buddy has always used ms agent. That is the mechanism is uses to produce the  animated character on the screen. The problem is this, when you install CB, it checks for the existence of agent. if it does not find it, it will install its own copy (and the related really crappy sapi4 speech engines). The agent it installs, I think, is the old xp version since the win7 agent was an afterthought by Microsoft and most likely has not been incorporated into CB.

    I tried CB on win7 and let it install msagent (well you don't get a choice, cb wont run without it and unfortunately having double agent installed does not fool CB ) but once complete the agent would crash after 1 minute or so.

    If you really want/need cb, my thought is you have two choices: 1: get the win7 msagent as discussed above and then install cb, or  2: go to the cb web site and ask the author to update cb to work with DA (a better solution anyway).

    DA is better anyway since it supports sapi5 voices while msagent does not. the difference is dramatic!


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