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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Double Agent

    just to clarify, double agent is a replacement for msagent so you are looking for msagent characters here is a link but, none of these are "new" here is a link to some tools Mash (first on the page ) lets you build new characters you can find a fair number of characters by searching on msagent characters but everything you find will be 2 decades old.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Double Agent

    There are two files you need to install. doubleagent_x64x86.msi sets up the client and server. then doubleagentSDK_x64x86.msi will install the sdk which will place the files in c:\programfiles\double agent\dev\v4.0\ that you need to import into visual basic/visual studio. I can tell you I got this working on windows 10 ( again I'm not using the activex so I have not tried using it. )

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Double Agent

    Thats great news! I'm glad to hear you got it working ! Are you using any voices? The one that coms with windows sucks, so I ended up buying a couple of SAPI 5 voices.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Double Agent

    vba? are you doing this for Microsoft office ? I'm not sure what you mean by "loading the RequestComplete event" events are generated by the running code. I have never had to load an event. of course its entirely possible that I'm ignorant . I just code in spare time so i'm mostly self taught. you miss a lot of things that way.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Double Agent

    I'm sorry I am not able to help, I have never used an agent in a web page. The last update to the files was more than 8 years ago and edge did not even exist at that time so they may not work with modern browsers. Sadly it looks like this is a dead project. Cinnamon Software hasn't posted here for years. Back in 2011 we were talking about a linux version, which would have been cool. I guess there was not enough interest to move forward.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Double Agent

    not sure what environment you are using but in visual studio ( visual basic ) my load agent looks like this mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) where myagentname is a string ( it is hard coded to "xyzzy" because i only planned to use one agent at a time ) and schar is a file picked by the user via schar = Form1.OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString you do need to initialize an instance of the mydaAgentcontrol before this mydaAgentcontrol = New DoubleAgent.Control.Control and to make...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Double Agent

    not sure what environment you are using but in visual studio ( visual basic ) my load agent looks like this mydaAgentcontrol.Characters.Load(myagentname, schar) where myagentname is a string ( it is hard coded to "xyzzy" because i only planned to use one agent at a time ) and schar is a file picked by the user via schar = Form1.OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Double Agent

    op can you delete this? i was meaning to reply not create a new topic

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2011-11-24 19:55:50


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