
Map Editing Help?

  • b_s

    b_s - 2015-11-18

    Is there a more complete description as to how to make maps somewhere?

    I have seen and used help in map maker (seems to be 2nd part of that link, starting at 'manual'), but I'm not following everything / seems there are steps missing or more description needed.

    For example, having downloaded and played a map I find the circles far too small. So I went into the map editor and increased the circle size, and moved some country points around slightly - e.g. to make things line up horizontally and/or vertically.

    However, going back in to the game I find that where I need to point and where the circles are, are two different places. (Thankfully the country is shown in the top right when the mouse in on a 'valid' area.)

    So I read the link and go back into the map editor, discover the need to fade the map and draw, do so ... but then the map editor complains of missing countries. So I'm completely missing / misunderstanding something.

    For example, having read that I must draw a country, I draw its borders - do I need to fill in the entire area, or does the code know to look for the line draw immediately outside the country location, to know the entire area is the country?

    Or ... having increased the circles and moved, as above, fading reveals the prior dots / country draw. How do I remove / edit / move those spots?

    Thanks for any links you can suggest.

  • Yura

    Yura - 2015-11-18

    may i suggest you open some of the other maps in the map editor and have a look at them

    the size of the circle can be edited with the circles adjustment box in the top right
    to tell the game where each country is to click on, you need to FILL in the country with the paint tool, to clear area, you can use right click paint tool

  • b_s

    b_s - 2015-11-19


    I appreciate the thought of looking at other maps, which I thought of later too, however, essentially I'm asking about modifying such maps. In essence, navigating / using the UI - which would also apply to making maps.

    I did see the circle size modification, and used it as I indicated, thanks. The disconnection between pointing and selection, from moving the country point, seems to be where I ran into difficulty.

    I appreciate the note about filling the country, and right-clicking - perhaps those notes could be added within the link noted.

    I've now tried the right-click, and see what you're talking about - however, it seems to go into remove mode upon the right click. If I then use left click to try to redraw where the country is, nothing happens. It seems to still be in remove mode. How do I get out of remove mode?

    • perhaps the current draw/remove mode could have an indicator? Or a corresponding selector along the bottom, beside draw ... undraw?


    Follow up ...

    Through playing with Image Map/Fade, eventually I could see that draw was indeed coming in, in red.

    However, having deleted (right-clicked) an area that was black, then redrawn the area (in red), saving the map results in 'there are errors in this map that need to be fixed before it can be used: Image Map does not contain areas for some countries: ...'

    So my draw is not being taken as the area for that country.

    What am I misunderstanding / still need to do to make that association?


    Last edit: b_s 2015-11-19
  • b_s

    b_s - 2015-11-19

    OK, figured it out ...

    Normally, I minimize 'map editor views' windows to get out of my way. Having maximized Swing GUI, inevitably the window, because not docked / a sidebar, obscures things. And, being minimized, is irritating to get back.

    The key thing I appear to have been missing ... one must select the country one is drawing before doing so. Undrawing will take away any country, but drawing without selecting a country, while making pretty lines, does / is associated with nothing.

    I assumed I could just draw, and the gui would understand /associate the country in the middle of the blob I just drew. Apparently not. Perhaps this could be added as a feature. (Although, still being on to keep on the old AI, I may never benefit from it.)

    Similarly, feature wise ... perhaps right-clicking (or something) on the country in map editor view would move the zoomed display area of the map to that country?


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