
How to delete only clips which aren't part of a group?

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2018-07-17


    I'm using Ditto to store favorite texts (signatures, address, email templates, etc.), storing them into specific groups.

    Now I have these favorites plus hundreds of normal clips which I would like to delete, but I couldn't see how to select only clips which aren't part of a group for deleting only those.

    Is it possible? How to?

    Thanks for assistance,

  • RainrooM

    RainrooM - 2018-07-17

    hey Carlos, you can see when a clip is stored in a group. There will be a pictogram in front of each clip in the main list. you can skip these when deleting clip by clip.
    It would be easier if an option would be available in the "Delete clip data" overview where a user could make a selection to exclude non grouped clips in batch....

  • Maloney

    Maloney - 2018-07-19

    I'll look at adding a way to delete clips not in clips. You could set the auto delete options, it doesn't delete clips in groups,

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2018-07-22

    Thanks for replies!
    @Maloney, it would be great if you could implement a way to not delete clips stored in groups.
    Many times we have hundreds of clips to manually delete, and it is dificult, time consuming and demand lots of attention to skip by "eye" the clips with a pictogram, as mentioned by @RainrooM.
    Anyway, Ditto is the handiest clipboard app I've seen!

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2018-10-17

    Hi. Just following up, could you please inform if this functionality was added to Ditto roadmap?


    ZAYIDU ANSARI - 2023-12-13


    Is there a way to select only clips which aren't part of a group for deleting only those??

    Appreciate your response.


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