
Where is the bug tracker? How can I contribute?

  • Dan Dascalescu

    Dan Dascalescu - 2013-06-14

    Ditto seems awesome, and I'd love to include it among my tools, and help make it better.

    One way to improve Ditto is to make it easier to contribute. If the source repository could move to GitHub, that would be fantastic, compared to SoruceForge. I know migration isn't easy, but all the cool projects are on GitHub now.

    Also, where do you guys take bug reports? doesn't list anything. Trac doesn't let me create new tickets. says I don't have permission.

    I've worked with many GitHub projects over the past year, and the experience has been great. In any case, better organization, here on Sourceforge or on GitHub, would be great!

  • Marcel Gabriel Mosoll

    I subscribe to this user, Ditto is a great tool. I would like to contribute if there were a git repository.

  • Martin

    Martin - 2016-02-04

    Scott, I believe Dan suggested switching to GitHub not primarily because of Git. Instead, IMHO he pointed to the not-so-old moves of SourceForge regarding "orphaned" projects where they re-packed installers with ad- and bloatware without the project's admin's consent. That's why many project admins deleted their repos and switched to GitHub.

    Additionally, GitHub has a way better user experience - both, from a user's and also admin's point of view: the GUI is just delighting, the workflow for bugs, forks, patches and also communication in general is cleaner and simpler. Now, if that's not enough, there's even more advantage with regards to a project's homepage since you can customize it by using Markdown (if you want, you don't have to). And not to mention the great statistics pages..

    That's why all SF-hosted tools that I use switched to GitHub (or did a complete website on their own, to be fair) - all but 7-Zip and Ditto.

    I highly recommend that you take a look and try it out yourself.



    Last edit: Martin 2016-02-04
  • Marco

    Marco - 2017-10-23

    It doesn't have to be GH, just anything that does not add unexpected bloatware to the soft :/ I hate the fact that I need to compile Ditto from sources, because I can't trust SF to host executables.


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