
Message archival through IMAP

  • Mauro Cicognini

    Mauro Cicognini - 2013-09-23

    Hi Mickael, and first of all many kudos for your great work.

    My question is on message archival. I'm scripting it using Python to access the DavMail IMAP server, and I need to move messages (based on several conditions) from one folder to another on the same Exchange server.

    In this case, is there a performance benefit in using IMAP MOVE rather than downloading the message using FETCH and uploading it again using STORE? In other words, on the MAPI side, do you use a command that transfers the bits server-side, without downloading anything, or would you simulate MOVE by downloading the message and re-uploading it?

    The reason I'm asking is because I usually have little bandwidth, and with multi-megabyte messages the difference is quite significant.


  • Mickael Guessant

    I confirm IMAP MOVE implementation relies on server side move.

    Note that this is not supported by all IMAP clients, this is an extension.

  • Mauro Cicognini

    Mauro Cicognini - 2013-09-24


    Yes, I know MOVE is an extension for IMAP (although I'm coding my client referring to RFC 6851, that appears to be an updated version of the document you point to), not a problem as I'm interfacing directly with the protocol. Being able to leverage a real MOVE makes things many times faster for me in many cases.

    By the way, you implement MOVE but not UID MOVE, right?

    Thanks again

  • Mickael Guessant



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