
Davmail -Window7-64 - need to run with java 6 (untill 7 web plug in is allowed to run- currently disable by policy )

  • JLJM

    JLJM - 2014-03-18

    Hello !
    OS : Window 7-64 - Davmail 4.4.1 , thunderbird 24.3.0
    and trying to use "java 6 update 45 "(latest SE release available on oracle archives site)

    Because of the security problem that are still in java 7 update 51, the corresponding web plug in are disabled ( by Firefox and IE11 ) also possibly by network policy of the company.
    a company web app ( that I need) can only work with java 6.

    Although Davmail literature mentioned that java 6 or 7 are supported (may be old)
    I can only run the current davmail4.4.1 when java 7U51 is installed. Otherwise with only java 6u45 Davmail complains that java is not install or compatible
    but then I cannot run the company web application as firefox and IE forcible disable any java plugin

    What are my option to run Davmail under java 6 ?
    use may be
    1)the latest build of Davmail that will not complain of not having java 7 . build with java 6?( which one will that be)
    2)use a manual set up that I need to "tweak" so that Davmail takes java 6 ? ( I saw an earlier post in that sense)
    3) ../?


    ps: I have no clue of the possible difference between java 6 and 7 ...
    I know that I can live with earlier java 6 latest "safer"update 45 (or65 71 if I can find them) until oracle finally resolve the security issue with java 7

  • JLJM

    JLJM - 2014-03-18

    case close (no longuer needed)
    After an other day of trial / fixes finally got the latest version of Davmail (with java 7up51) to run together with firefox specifoc local company java applet and therefore no longer will need to investigate running only with java 6.
    For info
    I did try davmail-3.9.6-1843-setup with java 6 update 45 with success. ( may be a later version would have still worked)

  • Mickael Guessant

    Thanks for your feedback, note that you can run DavMail with any jre, not necessarily system default java (used by web browsers).

    You just have to run the following command with chosen java in path:
    java -cp davmail.jar;lib/* davmail.DavGateway

    You can also override vm.location in Winrun4j wrapper.


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