
Thunderbird, Davmail and multiple inboxes

  • Cristiano Guadagnino

    Hi all, this is not a exactly a problem in Davmail but I am writing to see if someone had the same problem and had it solved.
    I am connecting to a corporate Exchange 2010 server with Thunderbird thanks to Davmail 3.9.5 through EWS.

    Everything is well with my primary account. However, there is another mailbox which is shared among me and my colleagues. I can access this mailbox with the same credentials that are used by my primary mailbox.

    Here comes the problem: although the email address is different, apparently Thunderbird only look at the user name used to access the mailbox to distinguish among mailboxes. So when I create the second mailbox in Thunderbird, it clones my primary mailbox. Every change I do to one account is mirrored in the other, so what I have is effectively two copies of the same mailbox instead of two different mailboxes.

    Is there anybody out there trying to do the same thing?

    Oh, I am using Thunderbird 3.1.15 because that's what comes in Linux Mint's repos. I don't know if newer versions may be of help.


  • Mickael Guessant

    Please try to change the personal namespace in IMAP advanced settings in Thunderbird on the second mailbox, set it to:

  • Cristiano Guadagnino

    Hi Michael,
    I am now on Thunderbird 7.01, and account management is better.
    I finally took the time to try out your suggestion. Unfortunately it didn't work :-(
    I even tried unsetting the "Allow server to override these namespaces" setting, but it didn't work either.

    You can see a screenshot of the advanced IMAP account settings here:

    And a screenshot of the "about" window taken from OWA:

    I hope this helps somehow.

  • Mickael Guessant

    Do you see any error in davmail.log ?

  • Cristiano Guadagnino

    I am sorry, I should have been more informative than just saying "it didn't work".

    The point is that, despite adding the personal namespace thing, I still get the same mailbox contents as my main (personal) mailbox.

    In the log I cannot see any errors. I have all logging options set to WARN, so I expect DavMail should be logging WARNINGS and ERRORS, am I right?


  • Mickael Guessant

    Well, your settings look right, now we need to check the LIST commands sent over IMAP that should include the above prefix.
    Can you please access folder subscriptions in Thunderbird ?

  • Cristiano Guadagnino

    Already did that, it shows my personal mailbox folders, even after a refresh.
    Should I change the logging levels so I can see something in the logs? Could you please guide me?

  • Mickael Guessant

    Sorry, just checked this again in Thunderbird settings: changing personal namespace does not work, you need to set IMAP server directory !

  • Cristiano Guadagnino

    GREAT!!! It worked!!
    Thank you Michael! And thank you for DavMail!!!

    Thunderbird is still a little "fragile", meaning that sometimes the settings from one account somehow pollute the other account. I do not understand why.
    BTW if you don't touch the settings too much it works quite well.

    I hope this will help others as well.

    thank you

  • Adriano Urso

    Adriano Urso - 2013-04-25

    Dear Mickael,

    with your suggestons I finally see the othermailbox folders,
    but I cannot see messages inside, when I try to open those folders Thunderbolt says "the operation di not succeed. the mail server responded: unable to handle request: error 409 Conflict at…":
    have you got any further suggestion please? Thank you in advance for your reply

    Date: Fri Apr 26 00:20:16 CEST 2013 (1366928416508)
    Thread: ImapConnection-64653
    Message #: 19
    Level: ERROR
    Category: davmail
    Message: 409 Conflict at /exchange/ in arrivo/
    Location: davmail.ui.tray.DavGatewayTray.displayMessage(
    org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: 409 Conflict at /exchange/ in arrivo/
    at davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade.buildHttpException(
    at davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade.executeMethod(
    at davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade.executeSearchMethod(

  • Mickael Guessant

    Looks like something wrong with folder search request, you should see it a few lines above in davmail.log file.
    You can send me a full log file at for further investigation.


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