
#620 Davmail crash when opening GUI menu Ubuntu 16.04 / OpenJDK9

Ryan Huff

Ubuntu 16.04
Davmail 4.7.2 x64 (.deb x64 package)

When I launch davmail, everything is fine; it works great and connects just fine to all the services I've setup. In Ubuntu 14.10 / OpenJDK8 I could right click the Davmail icon and goto Settings, About ... etc just fine.

In ubuntu 16.04 / OpenJDK9 if I right click and click on ANY menu item, Davmail crashes and Java logs a SEGSEV fault. I have attached the Java crash dump. When the crash happens, there is nothing logged into the davmail.log file regarding the crash.

To work around this, any settings that I have to adjust I am just manually editing the properties file.

1 Attachments


  • Mickael Guessant

    Definitely related to SWT/AWT compatibility and GTK2/GTK3. I will eventually have to drop SWT completely.

    You can try to run davmail with -notray command line option to disable system tray.

  • Mickael Guessant

    Update: even with -notray I still get a crash => this is probably an Ubuntu / OpenJDK 9 bug
    =>you cans switch back to openjdk-8 with:

    sudo update-alternatives --config java
  • Prof. J C Nash

    Prof. J C Nash - 2018-05-14

    Had same problem today 2018-5-14 with Davmail 4.8.5-2589-1 and changing to openJDK 8 worked. I submitted bug report, as right-click / (anything) crashes otherwise.

    • Mickael Guessant

      Definitely related to SWT, a simple workaround is to remove SWT from classpath.

      Edit /usr/bin/davmail and change last line to:

      exec java -Xmx512M -cp /usr/share/davmail/davmail.jar:$CLASSPATH davmail.DavGateway "$@"

  • Prof. J C Nash

    Prof. J C Nash - 2018-05-14

    Hmm. That change gives slightly different appearance with openJDK-8, but then davmail aborts right after start with openJDK-9. SWT "works" apart from right-click items in 9, while 8 seems to be the stable choice (it seems to be the default on my other machines). Afraid I'm a numerical software type, so not super-fluent with Java stuff.


    • Mickael Guessant

      Ok, I managed to reproduce this, looks like OpenJDK 9 provided with Ubuntu 16 is an old beta version => this JDK bug is fixed in more recent JDK 9 builds
      => you should probably stick to OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu 16.

  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Mickael Guessant

    Closing issue as this is a Linux distro issue


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