
#388 DavMail suddenly crashing


DavMail is suddenly crashing, not sure which action is triggering it. I was able to retrieve some emails (IMAP/SMTP), so I guess it might be the calendar (Caldav) or the contacts directory (LDAP).

davmail 3.9.6-1
thunderbird 8.0-1
openjdk6 6.b22_1.10.4-1
linux 3.1.4-1

davmail.log last lines:

2011-12-07 19:07:13,747 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] - Message IMAP uid: 19396 uid: AAAAAMTeUKLOofNMjGeX31oJIVIBAC1ZAFXpJNZAgeyQGP5HRqQAABCeNHwAAA== ItemId: AAMkADM4YzlmYzk2LWZlZjctNGZmNi1hYmFjLTViMmI0ODExNDBlNgBGAAAAAADE3lCizqHzTIxnl99aCSFSBwD0nfKAGDIwT59glkY8MNPjAAAI2J3jAAAtWQBV6STWQIHskBj+R0akAAAQnjR8AAA= ChangeKey: CQAAABYAAAAtWQBV6STWQIHskBj+R0akAAASGtqU
2011-12-07 19:07:13,779 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - > 18 OK STORE completed
2011-12-07 19:07:13,800 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - < 19 noop
2011-12-07 19:07:13,823 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - noop on INBOX
2011-12-07 19:07:13,839 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - > 19 OK noop completed
2011-12-07 19:07:13,840 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - < 20 UID fetch 30852:* (FLAGS)
2011-12-07 19:07:13,854 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - > 20 OK UID FETCH completed
2011-12-07 19:11:52,703 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51880] davmail - Closing connection on timeout
2011-12-07 19:11:52,703 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51880] davmail - > * BYE Closing connection
2011-12-07 19:12:13,958 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - Closing connection on timeout
2011-12-07 19:12:13,958 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51869] davmail - > * BYE Closing connection
2011-12-07 19:16:16,249 DEBUG [davmail.imap.ImapServer] davmail - Connection from / on port 1143
2011-12-07 19:16:16,250 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51916] davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade - get Default proxy selector
2011-12-07 19:16:16,250 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51916] davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade - getProxyForURI(
2011-12-07 19:16:16,269 DEBUG [ImapConnection-51916] davmail.http.DavGatewayHttpClientFacade - got system proxies:[DIRECT]

There is also a Java log attached.


  • Mickael Guessant

    race condition in system proxy access, workaround is to disable use system proxies in DavMail settings

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-12-07

    @mguessan: seems to work now. Is that a bug or something wrong with my system proxy settings?

  • Mickael Guessant

    It's a bug probably located in concurrent access to gconf from SWT and standard java proxy settings API.

  • Mickael Guessant

    Use system proxies default value set to false

  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open --> pending
  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: pending --> closed-fixed

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