
#373 Calendar locations with commas don't work correctly

Caldav (160)

Calendar locations c=with commas in them are truncated at the comma. Thus something like "USKOK, Room4" shows up as USKOK. Since my company names all conference rooms with a Country/City pair, followed by a comma then the room, this means all appointments in conference rooms show any incomplete (and somewhat useless) location


  • Mickael Guessant

    Can you please provide a sample event VCALENDAR ?

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-20

    Sample VCARD of an appointment with the issue

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-10-20

    Sure, a sample VCARD has been added

  • Mickael Guessant

    Confirmed and fixed in subversion, decode and encode comma in RESOURCES field value

  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Mickael Guessant

    Available in 3.9.6

  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-11-03

    Still having problems with commas in locations in 3.9.6. Tried on both Windows and OSX Lion. The comma and everything after it are missing in the location field. Works fine for iPhones connect directly to the exchange server but not on iPhones connected through DavMail.

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-11-03
    • status: closed-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Mickael Guessant

    First patch handled only RESOURCES field, new patch to include LOCATION available in subversion

  • Bob

    Bob - 2011-12-09

    Confirmed fixed in 3.9.6-1865

  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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