
Interleave / News: Recent posts

Interleave 5.5.1 released

A lot of new festures, especially in the ajax-enabled department. Clien-side field validation with PHP, a lot of styling improvements and a lot of bugfixes. The administration section got a makeover. Flextables now have even more options to control their behaviour and the performance of flaxtables is better. New trigger events were added and a new way to do database upgrades was implemented.

Posted by Hidde 2012-08-05

Interleave released

Extra fields for users and groups were added, enabling you to set permissions on all tables based on values in these extra fields. The extended-privileges functionality was too slow so it has been improved and is now a lot faster. The option send e-mails when a non-admin account adds a user account has been added, new users can be automatically notified of their account information. Most bugs where fixed, and some performance improvements were made. The layout got an update and a lot of classes and id's were added to make it easier to adjust the layout of Interleave. Check the change log for the full list of added features and fixed bugs.

Posted by Hidde 2011-12-12

Interleave released

Interleave was just released. It's available for download at SourceForge or at Major release comments:

- The main entity list, the flextable lists and the customer lists were upgraded
- Users can now upload multiple files at once when using an HTML5 enabled browser
- All flextable fields can now be shown in the main entity list (including sort & filters)
- A lot of performance improvements
- Better MS Excel .XLSX/.XLSM parsing support
- Added "attributes" to users, triggers, templates and extra fields so admins can store extra data
- A lot of maintenance! (query escaping, html5 compat)
- Better search routines (2 words are now treated as AND, prefixing a word with a dash is a NOT)
- 26 bugs fixed

Posted by Hidde 2010-12-22

5.3.0 ihas been released

Interleave 5.3.0 has been released. Check the changelog for all details!

Posted by Hidde 2009-05-27

5 is out!

The long-awaited new version of Interleave is out: 5.0! Featuring lots of new stuff; FlexTables, User-addable-field-values, Breadcrum trails, new triggers, new ways to run modules, password expiration, new dashboard options, new search functions, auto-sizing filter boxes, etcetera, etcetera. Check it out and let us know that you think!

Posted by Hidde 2008-08-15

Interleave 4.3.0 released!

Interleave 4.3.0

The newest version of Interleave contains lots of new useful functions. It will now generate GANTT-charts, and this version is able to refer incoming e-mail to existing entities. The dashboard is now templated so you can adjust it to your likings. Image thumbnails will pop up when an attached file contains an image, and a very neat file versioning system was implemented. Next to that, mobile devices like Blackberries and other smartphones now have their own interface, which enables mobile use of Interleave.... read more

Posted by Hidde 2008-03-18

4.3.0 RC1 Available for dowload

11-02-2008: Interleave 4.3.0 Release candate 1 is available for download. You can get it from the project download directory. Read the short list of all changes or if you dare read the full report. Please let us know what you think!

Check for the files.

Posted by Hidde 2008-02-11

4.3.0 snapshot is installable (beta)

Every night a development snapshot is placed in the project download directory ( As 4.3.0 is taking shape, the snapshot is working fine and installable/upgradeable. Do not use it for production yet, but do provide us with your extensive test results!

Posted by Hidde 2008-01-28

Interleave Wiki

Due to popular demand, we now have our own Interleave Wiki. Next to a good knowledge base, it also provides a new look on what else you can do with Interleave. Check the project website!

Posted by Hidde 2007-11-29


The new name of CRM-CTT will be "CRM-CTT Interleave". This will probably become "Interleave" in the future.


Posted by Hidde 2007-11-24

Anonumous posting enabled

Hi folks,

As I'm back again the anonymous posting option is enabled again.

Hidde Fennema

Posted by Hidde 2007-11-24


Due to spam and my honeymoon to the USA anonymous posting is disabled for the coming 30 days.


Posted by Hidde 2007-10-09

CRM-CTT 4.1.0 Released

The long-awaited version 4.1.0 is now released. It's available as TAR.GZ/ZIP file with the PHP code in it or as a VMWare image running on Linux Slackware. Take your pick and please give as feedback!

Posted by Hidde 2007-08-20

CRM-CTT 4.0.1 Demo VMWARE disk available

At sourceforge, a demo VMWARE image is available containing a complete working CRM-CTT demo installation. For all you people out there using virtualization, get it!

Posted by Hidde 2007-05-16

CRM-CTT 4.0.1 is released

Just released: 4.0.1. Version 4.0.1 is a minor release. It fixes some (small) bugs and brings some new functionality. However a small release, upgrading is recommended.

Posted by Hidde 2007-05-13

CRM-CTT 4.0 is released

Here it is! The long-awaited CRM-CTT version 4.0 stable is out. Grab a copy at sourceforge!

This release brings CMS-functionality, extra reporting capabilities, faster searching, real-time module and patch support, internal messaging, a new menu navigation style, better performance, and lots of other new features. Besides that almost all change requests were implemented and all open bugs were fixed. We're convinced 4.0 is the best release ever!

Posted by Hidde 2007-04-07

CRM-CTT 4.0.0 RC1 Is available

CRM-CTT 4.0.0 Release candidate 1 was just placed in the project download directory at The new version brings CMS functionality, on-line patch support, loadable module support, internal messaging, fast indexed searching, and lots more. Check it out and let us know what your findings are. We need your feedback before we can release 4.0.0 stable!

Posted by Hidde 2007-03-18

CRM-CTT 3.4.3 released

With FormFinity being defaut now, all forms can be adjusted using the rich text editor. This means that you can now make all forms look just the way you like.

New in this version is fail-over database support, and by popular demand triggers can now be edited.

This version now also requires the PHP-setting magic_quotes and register_globals to be set off.
This results in a more secure installation wich is better fit for the future. ... read more

Posted by Hidde 2006-10-28

CRM-CTT 3.4.2 Released

21/05/2006 - Version 3.4.2

New features

- Text area's can now also contain rich text (see extra fields section)
- New feature: NOBARSWINDOW. When enabled, opens CRM-CTT in a full-screen window without
menu- and address bars.
- A new report method was added to the summary page: management information. When using this report
method, you'll end up in the management information section, where everything you'll see will be
filtered based upon the query you made on the summary page.
- The upgrade script can now also be ran from the command line (see manual)... read more

Posted by Hidde 2006-05-21

CRM-CTT 3.4.1 Released

Version 3.4.1 was just placed on sourceforge. It contains lots of new features and big fixes. Here's the index of changes:


- Extensive intelligent caching routines added. To be switched on (default) or off by
altering global directive USE_EXTENDED_CACHE. This method may gain performace im-
provements up to 80%. When this function is enabled, you'll see a CRM-CTT logo and
an animated GIF image when you log on or switch repostories. When you see this, CRM
is building your cache arrays. It takes a little time but believe me, it's very use-
ful in most cases. To test if your database is faster with EXTENDED_CACHE enabled, run
"php -q update_cache.php -c MYSQLDATABASENAME" on the command line.
- Binairy data is now stored in a tertiary table. Faster, but it makes the upgrade routine
a little heavy this time.... read more

Posted by Hidde 2006-02-27

CRM-CTT 3.4.0 Released

The latest version of CRM-CTT, 3.4.0, is available for dowload. This release add lots of new features. Here's a list of the changes:

11/01/2006 - Version 3.4.0 (a lot of items, so this time we've put in some structure)

Important changes for administrators

- Clearance level change: when a user has CLLEVEL full-access-own-entities, he/she
will from now on also be able to add entities unless specifically denied in user profile or
group profile.... read more

Posted by Hidde 2006-01-16

CRM-CTT 3.3.2 Released

The latest version of CRM-CTT is now available for download. It introduces RSS Feeds which can be used to keep track of entities using every possible RSS-compatible program. Next to that, entities can now have parent-entities and child-entities. This enables the user to organise his/her work more efficiently. Under the hood, this version also supports LDAP Authentication support. Users can now be limited (by user or profile) to working with only a given list of customers. All other entities will be hidden. Happy CRM-CTT'ing!

Posted by Hidde 2005-12-04

3.3.1 Released fixing major 3.3.0 bug. All users upgrade!

Aug-20 2005: Version 3.3.0 was updated and replaced by version 3.3.1. In 3.3.0 a serious bug was found. All users running on version 3.3.0 should update as soon as possible. The problem is as follows as statet in the CHANGELOG file:

20/08/2005 - Version 3.3.1 (important, major bug fix!)

- Major 3.3.0 bug fixed. When using templated entity forms, all extra field values which
you did *NOT* place in your form will be deleted when you save it. This also happens on
normal forms when the user is not entitled to see al fields - the field values the user
cannot see will also be emptied on save.

Posted by Hidde 2005-08-20

CRM-CTT 3.3.0 Released

CRM-CTT 3.3.0 Was just released, featuring cool new functionality. Also, some important bugs (and bad functionality issues incorrectly regarded as bugs) were fixed.

Posted by Hidde 2005-08-14

CRM-CTT 3.2.0 Released


Version 3.2.0 of CRM-CTT is released and available for download.

The CRM-CTT Team

Posted by Hidde 2005-06-26