
CRM-CTT 3.4.0 Released

The latest version of CRM-CTT, 3.4.0, is available for dowload. This release add lots of new features. Here's a list of the changes:

11/01/2006 - Version 3.4.0 (a lot of items, so this time we've put in some structure)

Important changes for administrators

- Clearance level change: when a user has CLLEVEL full-access-own-entities, he/she
will from now on also be able to add entities unless specifically denied in user profile or
group profile.

Stunning (general new functionality)

- FormFinity - Entities can now have their own HTML-forms. Users (and profiles) can
be authorized to use only a specific set of forms. When a user with rights to multiple
forms wants to add an entity, he/she gets to choose from the available forms. The resulting
entity will always show up in that form. Now it's really possible to use CRM-CTT for
helpdesk tickets and coffee orders at the same time!
- A new export-icon was added to the main entity list. Next to the usual MS Excel-icon there's a
new one showing 2 excel icons. This icon, when clicked, will export the list with the fields
you're viewing in your main list immediately without asking you which fields to export.
- The main entity list filter boxes FINALLY work correct and fast! (whooho)

Extra fields

- Custom made forms can now have hidden (extra) fields containing pre-defined values.
- New extra field type: numeric. This field can only have a numeric value; the user will
not be able to save an entity when it contains anything other than a number. Numeric
fields are added up by default on the main entity list. This can be switched off by
disabling global directive DISPLAYNUMSUMINMAINLIST.
- New extra field type: User-list. This fields will be presented as a drop-down list con-
taining the users in CRM-CTT. This field can in turn be used for triggers (see below). It
can contain all admin users, all limited users, or all users.

Forms & templates

- HTML Forms can now have hidden extra fields containing values. With this you can make sure that
when a specific form is used, you can set some values without bothering the user with it.
- Added HTML Form tag #PARENTBOX# to display entity parent-child information and select box
- Customer forms can now also be templated (few words, lots of work :))


- New trigger available: on event xx extend duedate with 1|2|3|4|5|10|20|30 days.
- New trigger available: on event xx set assignee or owner to value selected in extra
field yy (which must be of type 'user list').
- New trigger available: on event xx e-mail the person selected in extra
field yy (which must be of type 'user list').
- New trigger available: fields which are not of type drop-down fields, can now also be
used for creating triggers, though only to_value [something else], not specific values.

Security (related)

- When an "Access denied" message is shown, a [trace] link is printed behind it. Clicking
it will show the qlog trace for the page the user is viewing.
- Customer access check layer; just like entities, CRM-CTT now always checks a user's access
to a customer. This makes CRM-CTT a little slower, but more secure and more consistent.
- Authorisation models (CheckEntityAccess & CheckCustomerAccess) now also apply to management
information section.
- Improved security.
- Better customer journaling.
- From now on, Invoice Cost and Invoice Qty. fields will be checked to see if the user
submitted numeric values. The user will not be able to save an entity when it contains
anything other than a number.


- Added getset.php debug-help ShowTraceLink. When set to 'true', a [trace] link is printed
at the end of each page, which when clicked shows the qlog trace for that page


- Base infrastructure for user-to-user messaging was build, but not yet made visible/active
- Updated PHPMailer classes to latest version
- Manual was updated, and more than 40 spelling bugs were "fixed" :)
- Deleted flag bitmaps from jp/ directory. Package is now 1,5 MB smaller.
- Updated build script. A nightly CRM-CTT development snapshot can now be downloaded from the
project download directory.
- Next to normal builds, MAX builds are new. These builds are the same as the default
builds, except that all debugging information (qlog entries) is removed from the source code.
For very heavy installations (or very slow hardware) use this version. Please note that when
you encounter a problem, you'll need to have default (e.g. non-MAX) installation to get any
debug information.
- MySQL 5.x compatibility (experimental, but tested and found to work)
- PHP 5.x compatibility (experimental, but tested and found to work)

Posted by Hidde 2006-01-16

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