
#630 patch: "plugins/contrib/FortranProject" building via autotools in Linux


Release sourse tarballs previous "codeblocks_16.01.tar.gz" and latest "codeblocks_17.12.tar.xz" contains source files for "FortranProject" plugin under "/src/plugins/contrib/" but it isn't builded when "--with-contrib-plugins=all" is set because of absence of appropreate files in FortranProject dirs and appropreate sections in common for all contrib plugins of autotools files "/src/plugins/contrib/" and "./" (in the root source directory).

The attached patch (FortranProject_autotools_build.diff) allows to build "FortranProject" plugin when Code::Blocks configure is made with "--with-contrib-plugins=all" or "--with-contrib-plugins=FortranProject"; or disable building of this plugin when configure is made with "--with-contrib-plugins=all,-FortranProject".

This patch is available also on github-page and initially was created within the framework of Gentoo Linux (source-based distributive) package "installation script".

1 Attachments


  • darmar

    darmar - 2018-03-17

    I have added a part of the patch to the FortranProject. The changes to the C::B core depends on other developers.
    Thank you "band-a-prend".

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2018-03-17

    @darmar: Have you seen how I've done the autotools support in my plugins on github ( ? Have you considered doing it this way?

    This makes it possible to build your plugin against an installed version of codeblocks and also installs it in the appropriate place. I've tested this on centos and gentoo, but I think it should work for the other distros, too.

    Doing it this way would allow distro maintainers to provide a package with your plugin. Also it would make it possible to fix bugs separate from cb releases.

    • darmar

      darmar - 2018-03-18

      Thank you, Teodor. I will look into your plugin.

  • band-a-prend

    band-a-prend - 2018-05-29

    I just run "svn checkout codeblocks-code" and besides codeblocks trunk it downloads also FortranProject directory (and some others external sources). Is this behaviour of svn repo always was presented? But the .zip snapshot doesn't contain external sources.

    Anyway the current patch is outdated due to changes that allows now to build FortranProject as separate package. I should rework the patch to check the presence of FortranProject directory and if exist than conditional patch it's autotools scripts to be able build it as part of contrib plugins.

  • darmar

    darmar - 2021-06-27

    As is told by 'band-a-prend', FortranProject plugin can be compiled using autotools as a separate package. As Teodor told, it is the way for FortranProject plugin. Therefore, I think this ticket can be closed.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2021-06-29
    • status: open --> wont-fix

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