
#478 assertion failure when loading project; blank tabs for some files

wx30 (74)

Hello. I'm using the 64 bit deb files for Debian Jessie, downloaded at . Made a project for the MySQL Server source code (we MySQL devs use CMake, so I asked CMake to make a project file for Code::Blocks : 'cmake -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" '). Things (compiling, debugging) work, though with two problems:
- when loading the project, an assertion fails several times (see attachment), this is repeatable;
- when opening a source file, sometimes it will properly create a tab with the file's name but that tab will be empty; this can also happen when the compilation hits an error and C::B wants to open the offending file - empty again; or when the debugger wants to stop in a place in a file and wants to open the file - empty again. Or, sometimes the build log is empty. To get out of this, I exit and restart C::B.

These are my only problems; other than that, my one-day short experience with C::B is very satisfying - looks like a great tool.

1 Attachments


  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-15
    • labels: --> wx30
    • Type: Undefined --> Bug_Report
  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-15

    Can you try to install a night build from here and report if the problems persist? Can you share some sample project that can be used to reproduce the problem?

  • Guilhem

    Guilhem - 2017-02-15

    Thank you for prompt feedback!! I installed as suggested: "16.01svn10979-1 2017-01-23 01:12:04". Same problems (It even brings another one: C::B exits after only a few minutes of code editing, making the work quite painful, so I have switched back to the standard 16.01 release).
    As sample project: I am building the MySQL Server's source code (maybe the problems are due to the large number of files/directories in this project?). Steps:
    - get the code at
    - in the downloaded directory, do:
    mkdir cb # "cb" stands for "Code::Blocks testing"
    cd cb
    cmake -DWITH_DEBUG=1 -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ..
    this generates a project file, open it with C::B; that's when I see the assertion failures.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-15

    Do you have a backtrace from the crash in the latest nightly? Have you disabled the symbol browser?

    • Guilhem

      Guilhem - 2017-02-16

      No backtrace. When doing some edits, C::B just disappears from the screen (so, I guess, it crashed), and I get no information. I don't even know what the symbol browser is.

      • Teodor Petrov

        Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-17

        See here how to disable it.
        To get a backtrace start codeblocks under gdb -> gdb /usr/bin/codeblocks and then wait for the crash to happen.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-15

    Menu issue reproduced. Next time you can just attach the project file. It will save a bit of time setting up everything.

  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-22
    • status: open --> fixed
    • assigned_to: Teodor Petrov
  • Teodor Petrov

    Teodor Petrov - 2017-02-22

    Fixed in rev 11017. I've also added a select target menu that shows a dialog that can filter targets. The menu is limited to only 30-50 targets.


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