
#292 version 16.01 won't start on windows 10 x64


Hey there,
latest version 16.01 won't start / go past splash screen on my windows 10 x64

Tried packets: normal, mingw, nonadmin, nosetup
Tried parameters: /d /nd /ns
Windows restarted: yes

Any idea?
From what I see there is also no log or debug file generated.


  • cracky

    cracky - 2016-02-02

    ps: it's not crashing, stays active without activity

  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2016-02-02

    Hopefully you did NOT install this version in the same folder of an older version?

    Please try to remove any old configuration files.

    Alternatievly, create and empty "default.con"f file in the application directory (where codeblocks.exe is) and make sure you can write to that file.

    Next time, please start discusssing in the forums.

  • cracky

    cracky - 2016-02-02

    There was no older version installed on this system, my latest codeblocks was v13 some time ago on windows7.
    There is no old config file or folder.
    Also already tried creating the default.conf in the application directory.
    Also tried installing it on non-system partition, same effect.

    I have to open a ticket in the forum? What is the bugtracker for then?
    Forum link:,20911.msg142861.html


    Last edit: cracky 2016-02-02
  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2016-02-03

    Usually the forums are there to seek for help first. The,n if we decide its really a bug we put it in in the bug-tracker. We have (had) many tickets that were just misuse or misunderstanding or simply invalid. To avoid that, we recommend asking in the forums first.

    As it seems solved, I am closing this topic now.

  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2016-02-03
    • status: open --> fixed
    • assigned_to: Morten MacFly

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