
#255 I cannot rename virtual folders

Ben Bowen

Right click any virtual folder within "Projects" tab in the "Management" pane to be disappointed by an absent "Rename" feature.


  • Ben Bowen

    Ben Bowen - 2015-11-17

    Creating a new virtual folder, holding <SHIFT> and left clicking the top and bottom contents, drag & dropping them into the new folder and subsequently deleting the original is a working solution for those who also need this feature.

  • bluehazzard

    bluehazzard - 2015-12-07

    You can rename the folder by "slowly" double click:
    click one time at the folder to mark him, wait a bit and click a second time. The name gets now marked and you can rename it. To abbort the renaming hit ESC, to confirm hit ENTER or click anywhere in the gui

    As far as i know, this is normal behaviour on all operating systems for tree controls. If this is not working for you: What os are you using?

    • Ben Bowen

      Ben Bowen - 2015-12-07

      I see. Yes, it works (Windows 7).

  • bluehazzard

    bluehazzard - 2015-12-07

    Anyway here is a patch that adds this feature

  • Ben Bowen

    Ben Bowen - 2015-12-07

    Excellent! Will this become committed to the master codebase eventually?


    Last edit: Ben Bowen 2015-12-07
  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2015-12-07
    • labels: --> SDK, virtual folders
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Morten MacFly
    • Type: Feature_Request --> Patch
  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2015-12-07

    I'll have a look...

  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2016-01-30

    Should be committed now. Thanks!

  • Morten MacFly

    Morten MacFly - 2016-01-30
    • status: accepted --> applied
  • Ben Bowen

    Ben Bowen - 2016-02-09



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