
#321 archer throws exception when launched


Archer throws this exception when launched:

fred@mistopheles:~> archer
unknown option "-imagepixmapify"

BRL-Cad version is 7.20.6 compiled from source using brlcad.SlackBuild from Slackware linux version is 13.37 with kernel 3.2.13 built from Slackware-current kernel config. BRL-Cad configure options are:

./configure --prefix=/opt/brlcad --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --mandir=/opt/brlcad/man --with-ogl --with-tcl=/usr/lib --with-tk=/usr/lib --disable-tcl-build --disable-tk-build --disable-jove-build --disable-strict-build --enable-optimized --build=i486-slackware-linux




  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-05-10

    It's not clear what's going wrong there, but it looks related to our usage of tkhtml in archer. The first thing I would suggest is to try our newer cmake build system instead of our legacy autotools build system. If you can reproduce the problem with cmake, that will be something worth investigating further in our latest sources.

  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-05-10
    • assigned_to: nobody --> brlcad
    • labels: --> Geometry Editing
    • milestone: --> other bug / workaround
    • status: open --> pending-works-for-me
  • Fred

    Fred - 2012-05-10

    Hello again,

    I tried the cmake build with the same results. This time cmake used my installed itcl,+itk and iwidgets (3.4 and 4.0.2 respectively) installation. Mged works fine as far as I can tell. It had some quirks before but they are missing now.



  • Fred

    Fred - 2012-05-10
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-05-11
    • status: open-works-for-me --> pending-works-for-me
  • Sean Morrison

    Sean Morrison - 2012-05-11

    Do you know if you have tkhtml installed somewhere else on your system? It'd possibly be in some tcl script directory somewhere or a lib sub folder perhaps.

  • Cliff Yapp

    Cliff Yapp - 2012-05-11

    I think brlcad has the right question - does the build script claim to be detecting a system Tkhtml? (Or, even if the local copy is being built, is there a system version that might conflict?) I've never run into a system that had tkhtml pre-installed before, but if yours does it's highly probable that the system version is too old to support our code - our local tkhtml is the last development state of the original tkhtml project plus some minor fixes, so it's not likely a compatible version ever got put out as a package on any OS.

  • Fred

    Fred - 2012-05-11
    • status: pending-works-for-me --> open-works-for-me
  • Fred

    Fred - 2012-05-11

    I installed tkhtml on my system when my build of brlcad failed because the configure script couldn't find it. I'll try using the one packaged with the brlcad source. I may also have had to install tkhtml for another package that I use. I should check that. The installed version that I have of tkhtml3 is alpha-16.

    Thanks for the help!



  • Cliff Yapp

    Cliff Yapp - 2012-05-11

    Yeah, that's probably too old - you can either enable it with BRLCAD_TKHTML in the GUI or by setting it via the command line:

    cmake ../brlcad -DBRLCAD_TKHTML=BUNDLED

    At the moment, our Tcl/Tk package detection isn't sophisticated enough to check for a minimum version of a package - it just sees whether package require succeeds. If our local copy works, that probably means it's time to add minimum version verification to the testing...

  • Cliff Yapp

    Cliff Yapp - 2012-05-11
    • status: open-works-for-me --> pending-works-for-me

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