
BORG Calendar / News: Recent posts

Borg 1.8.2

Borg 1.8.2 is available.

BORG 1.8.2 contains improvements to the CalDav sync functionality, which continues to be the one area where the program is still active. Release 1.8.2 also contains a few other small enhancements and a large number of miscellaneous bug fixes - driven largely by college students testing Borg as part of Software Engineering classes.

Posted by Mike Berger 2015-11-22

Borg 1.8.1

Borg 1.8.1 is available.

Borg 1.8.1 requires Java 7 or above.
Borg 1.8.1 supports Java 8.

Borg 1.8.1 mainly consists of enhancements to the Caldav-sync feature.

In addition, there is a new repeat type: Monthly Day Last.

Many minor bugs have been fixed from the ticket backlog.

Posted by Mike Berger 2015-01-12

BORG 1.8 Released

BORG 1.8 contains ICal/Caldav related enhancements and fixes to many bugs found by college students.

Posted by Mike Berger 2014-02-15

BORG 1.7.9 Released

BORG 1.7.9 contains many small bugs fixes and a few minor enhancements. Thanks to all of the students that contributed bug reports and fixes.



174 File Chooser does not remember previously accessed directory and open up that

168 Address book "Street Address" field too short

98 Selecting the time for appointments in the day/?week view

50 Address Book accepts invalid email and phone formats... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2013-07-17

BORG 1.7.8 Released

BORG 1.7.8 contains minor features and a large number of bug fixes.

Many thanks to the students who tested BORG and who contributed features.


6 Allow active HTML links in memos
14 Add summary field for tasks - separate from description
20 Appointment Copy&Paste on calendars
28 Allow delete of Memos from search window
71 Show User The Path To Exposed iCal File (plugin change)
74 Hide duplicate holidays when showing both American and Canadian holidays
79 Filter Unsupported File Extensions From iCal Export (plugin change)
111 Add a Cell Phone Field to the Address Book
Add log viewer
Updated Polish Translation
Add close date to task list
Add rename option for memos and checklists

Bug Fixes:

15 Change Date on appt editor is broken
16 Fails to Update User When Calender Cannot Be Imported
17 Filter Unsupported File Extensions From XML Import
19 Error when trying to close a task from the todo list
22 Appointment start time can be after end time (negative duration)
23 Appointment with empty subject
26 Address books accepts names of only blank characters
27 Appointment editor can accept invalid minutes input for appointment time
29 Times of recurrence in appointment editor truncates large input without error
30 Futuristic birthday dates are allowed in address book
31 Category can not be changed when create new to do in the To Do view
32 subtask under a project can start early than its parent project
34 Category names greater than 10 characters not accepted in Projects
35 Invalid time in appointment editor leads to invalid value message to be displayed twice
37 Setted appointment dispare when change from every n days to once
40 Dragging and dropping a Todo to the edge causes it to go to the wrong spot
42 Font chooser dialog doesn't resize and the title has a typo
43 Behavior of inputting new category name is inconsistent.
44 The ‘Save’ button in appointments should clear subject field
49 Address Book throws uncaught SQL Exception
52 Cannot select other created category in Search window
55 Undoing a deletion of an appointment does not restore links
56 Filter Unsupported File Extensions From iCal Import
57 Dragging of headings displays blank data in the reminder pop up window
58 'Person Assigned' field in 'Task Information' throws uncaught SQLException
59 A Task with an open Sub-Task can be closed
64 Memo deleted even when Done(No Delete) was choosen
68 All unused categories are also deleted after deleting one of selected category.
69 Uncaught java.lang.NullPointerException
70 Importing 'Entire Backup Zip File' or 'XML file' generates org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException
72 Unable to delete subtasks from the 'Tasks' view
73 Deleting multiple 'File Links' from a Project throws an Exception
75 The "note" text box does not warp around to the next line
76 Unable to see all options after changing 'Look and Feel' to certain profiles
77 Close" button does not work in the add category panel
78 To-Do List Copying Error: Repeating discard message
80 Using 'print' command only shows from '2nd day' of the month for months that begin on a sunday
81 Being able to "Export" with no memo selected
84 Able to create a Checklist item with white space as title
85 User can create a Memo with an empty name
86 Program freezes if an extremely large Memo is created
87 Uncaught parsing error while importing preferences
88 Uncaught "SQL Exception" on long address when adding a contact
89 Duplicate hot-keys in "address book entry" panel
91 Contradictory to specification KEYSTORE can be created with an empty password
93 Export option shows "open" instead of "save" in the save window
95 Contradictory to the specification the "WHOLE WORD" option of the search menu still considers 'empty strings' and 'whitespaces' as whole words.
96 Uncaught java.lang.NullPointerException
99 Space being considered as case sensitive and a whole word in the search function
112 Day&Week buttons don't work on the month view
prevent "java.lang.SecurityException: Access to default session denied " when sending email
clear editor when clicking on root of project tree
fix some threading issues with the shutdown splash screen
update quick-todo and search view category menus when categories are added

Posted by Mike Berger 2013-03-24

BORG 1.7.7 Released

BORG 1.7.7 contains minor features and bug fixes.

Re-layout Task, Project, Address, and Search forms to make better use of space
Hide links table if there are no links to save space
Prepend task description to subtask on calendar
Use H2 as default database instead of HSQL
Ticket 12 Allow 1 minute increments for appointment times
Ticket 11 Edit appointment duration by setting the end time
Ticket 10 Allow setting of the views that open at start up
Ticket 9 Show colors to indicate tasks approaching the due date
Ticket 34 (trac) allow different From and To addresses for email reminders
Ticket 36 (trac) Updated Spanish (Argentina) Translation... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2012-10-27

BORG 1.7.6 Released

BORG 1.7.6 has been released. As with the past few releases, this is a release full of many minor features.

There have been some appearance related changes. It is now possible to change all BORG colors so that BORG can go all-dark to match a dark desktop theme. For those people who then want to switch between light and dark themes, BORG can now save color settings as named themes. Even the system tray icon's size, colors, and fonts can be changed so that it can better blend in with the desktop. You can also add your own Java look and feels to BORG by copying the look and feel JAR file to BORG's lib/ext folder and typing the look and feel name into the options.... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2011-12-30

BORG 1.7.5 Released

BORG 1.7.5 has been released.

Feature 3118440 - Checklists
Feature 1416675 - To Do Priorities
Feature 3136779 - Ability to Import Backup Zip all at once
Feature 3116794 - Make all tabs dockable
Feature 3084552 - Ask for confirmation when memo is going to be deleted
Feature 3075832 - Enable multiple selection in pop-up reminders
Feature 3227225 - Ability to override the dock/undock defaults per window
Feature 3217074 - Enhanced set of shutdown/backup options
Feature (Patch) 3094537 - "todo quick add" field enhancements
Feature - option to email the backup ZIP when it is created
Feature - Export XML changed to create a single ZIP file instead of separate XML files
Feature - Option to Sort by priority on calendar
Feature - Support H2 Database
Feature - anti-alias text
Feature (Patch) - total number of items for TODO and Task lists
Feature - Whole Word Search
Feature - updates to the Italian Translation
Feature - option to show subtasks in task lists
Feature - in project tree, show empty projects as folders, not leaves... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2011-04-23

BORG 1.7.4 Released

BORG 1.7.4 has been released.

The javadocs at have been updated to match this release.

Spanish (Argentina) Translation
Feature - add search in memo text
Feature - [3039608] Single pop-up window for multiple reminders
Feature - [3059547] Add Repeat Until as a Recurrence option
Feature [2945673] - add back start to system tray feature
Feature - option to filter closed tasks in project/task tree
Feature - option to filter closed tasks in project task list
Feature [2960249] - option to hide status and task number in task tree display
Feature - automatically detect a few more Look and Feels
Feature [2945434] add option to show date in tray icon
Feature [2985309] Single click activate, double click add appointment... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2010-09-25

BORG 1.7.2 Beta Released

BORG 1.7.2 Beta has been released. This is primarily a release for developers.

Posted by Mike Berger 2009-10-10

BORG 1.7.1 Released

BORG 1.7.1 has been released on Sourceforge.

BORG 1.7.1 is a minor release. The main features are:

  • an undo feature so that you can undo silly (and possibly tragic) mistakes
  • the optional backup on shutdown now backs up to a uniquely named/timestamped zip file. The old method of keeping a single set of backup files was prone to overwriting good backups with bad at the worst times. Now each backup creates a new file.
  • an easy way to right click on the calendar to add a todo
  • a fix to the nasty problem with the Run SQL feature.... read more
Posted by Mike Berger 2009-03-14

BORG 1.6.1 Final Released

BORG 1.6.1 Final has been released.

The changes since the last Beta release are:

Feature [1904725] mark todos as done from reminder popup
Feature [1903141] Add marker on calendar if appt has links
Feature [1871712] Show past non-timed todo reminders
Bug Fix [1959692] can't drag appt from non-timed to timed
Bug Fix [1951636] cant change save a task after first entered
Bug Fix [1933587] deleted repeats show up in todo list and popups
Bug Fix [1909656] month and year view missing 1st
Bug Fix [1886138] ClassCastException when savong changed subtask
Bug Fix [1873225] Add New from Day/Week view broken in 1.6.1 b3... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2008-05-17

BORG 1.6.1 Beta 3 Released

BORG 1.6.1 Beta 3 has been released. This will be the last beta release for 1.6.1.

The major features added are:

  • Links/Attachments (HSQLDB and MySQL only)
  • Year View

The Links/Attachments feature lets you add URLs, Files, and links from BORG objects to appointments, tasks, projects, and addresses.
A number of people asked for similar functionality. What has been added will not exactly match what anyone asked for, but should be useful.... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2007-12-31

BORG 1.6.1 Beta 2 Released

The major changes in this release are:

1.6.1 Beta 2

  • You can drag appointments around the month view
  • You can drag appointments to the non-timed sections of the day and week views
  • Projects can have sub-projects
  • You can set an option to have BORG backup your data as XML upon shutdown. This is off by default
  • Major and Minor bug fixes, including fixes for day and week printing and user colors... read more
Posted by Mike Berger 2007-12-05

BORG 1.6.1 Beta Released

BORG 1.6.1 Beta has been released.

The major changes in this release are:

  • New simpler, cleaner Month View where each appointment is clickable.
  • New Docked Windows - almost all windows will now default to being docked as tabs.
  • New toolbar for easy access to the different views
  • New Project Tree for easier navigation of projects and tasks

This is a first cut on the appearance and capabilities of the month view. Please post any suggestions and bug reports on the sourceforge project trackers.... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2007-11-16

"Simple" BORG Source Release

What would the BORG source code look like with 4 eclipse projects and 65 out of 175 source files removed? Check here:

Posted by Mike Berger 2007-07-14

BORG 1.6 Beta 2 Released

Some bug fixes that needed to go out for 1.6 beta, and also some requested enhancements. Read the news here:

Posted by Mike Berger 2007-02-04

BORG 1.6 Beta Released

New Users - BORG 1.6 Beta is released. Enjoy!

Existing users:
Please read the Release Notes and the news article here:
to determine if you want to upgrade to BORG 1.6.

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-12-27

BORG 1.5.2 Released

BORG 1.5.2 has been released

BORG 1.5.2 contains 2 major features
- the ability to use an HQSL database
- enhancements to the week and day views

HSQLDB is a relational database like MySQL (but much lighter and less feature rich). BORG users who
choose to use HSQLDB do not have to run a db server or install additional software (like with MySQL).
BORG can use HSQLDB right out of the box. Advanced users can run third-party tools to browse the BORG DB (for example Squirrel SQL), generate reports against the DB (for example Jasper Reports), or access the DB through any JDBC client.... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-10-20

BORG 1.5.2 beta releases

BORG 1.5.2 beta has been released.

** MYSQL users**: an update script must be run to transition to this release.

The major new features are the ability to use a stand-alone HSQLDB database, and a number of improvements and bug fixes related to the day and week views. The next release will contain further improvements for the day/week views.

When using HSQLDB, no DB server needs to be run. BORG will run from local HSQLDB files.

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-08-17

Updated Flemish Translation

I have received an updated Flemish translation from Rudy Defrene.

A patch is here:

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-04-24

Minor Release

BORG contains a few requested features that have accumulated lately. If none of the features below interest you, there is no compelling reason to upgrade from 1.5.1 or

Show as many days from prior and next month as will fit in the current month view. This was a popular request. Blank boxes before and after the month will show the prior and next months' days.

Socket Interface - available commands: shutdown, sync, open - a special feature request that won't interest most people. If you set a socket port under the misc options, then trying to start a second instance of BORG will cause a running instance to open rather than erroring or starting a second JVM. Also, starting a Palm sync will now automatically shutdown BORG before syncing. You can also get a running instance of BORG to sync, shutdown, or open by sending the text command over the socket.... read more

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-04-05

Updated German Translation

I have received an updated German translation from Joerg Gabel <>.

I have released it as a patch ( and also packaged in a new 1.5.1 installer (

Thanks to Joerg for this update!

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-02-16

BORG 1.5.1 Webstart available

A WebStart version of BORG 1.5.1 is now available. See the project web page for details.

Posted by Mike Berger 2006-01-14