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This bug tracker for Avogadro is in read-only mode. It presents the state of Avogadro bugs in March 2017. All tickets (open and closed) have been migrated to:

Go there to submit new tickets, comment on existing tickets, or follow ongoing efforts to service the tickets.

General questions and discussion should be posted at:

Showing results of 187

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Created Updated
787 Unable to open/save .cml files v_1.2.x open 2017-03-27 2017-03-27  
786 Molecular orbitals are displayed all in black on mac OS Sierra v_1.2.x open 2017-02-27 2017-02-27  
785 Conformer search has 0 rotatable bonds v_1.2.x open 2017-02-07 2017-02-15  
784 Crashes when I try to open a log from Gamess v_0.1.0 open 2017-01-31 2017-01-31  
783 Molecules disappearing in Ubuntu 16.10 v_1.1.0 open 2016-12-02 2017-01-20  
782 Crashes when I try to draw anything. v_1.0.3 pending 2016-10-28 2016-10-28  
781 nanotube builder v_1.2.x open 2016-09-28 2016-09-28  
780 Mint Linux Avogadro package 1.1.1-0ubuntu7 not functional upon install v_1.1.0 open 2016-09-18 2016-11-10  
779 An error occurred while retrieving the list of supported forcefields. Avogadro 2.08 v_0.1.0 open 2016-08-03 2016-08-03  
778 An error occurred while retrieving the list of supported forcefields v_0.1.0 open 2016-08-03 2016-08-03  
777 An error occurred while retrieving the list of supported forcefields v_0.1.0 open 2016-08-03 2016-08-03  
776 Can not view molecules in Avogadro2 v_0.9.0 open 2016-07-18 2016-07-18  
775 Could not p v_0.1.0 open 2016-07-11 2016-07-11  
774 Bond-Centric Manipulation Tool Crash v_0.1.0 open 2016-06-16 2016-06-16  
773 Build Supercell Creates Duplicate Atoms v_0.1.0 open 2016-06-14 2016-06-14  
772 Avogadro crashes on windows v_1.1.0 open 2016-06-09 2016-06-09  
771 wrong atom count v_1.1.0 open 2016-05-25 2016-05-25  
769 Avogadro with ORCA support using large amounts of CPU v_1.1.0 open 2016-03-24 2016-04-26  
765 Crash at open log file v_1.1.0 open 2016-01-11 2016-01-11  
763 Issues Optimizing TM Complexes v_1.1.0 open 2015-12-21 2015-12-21  
760 Mac problem with crystal view options v_1.1.0 open 2015-11-12 2015-11-20  
759 Zmatrix has angle nan v_1.1.0 open 2015-11-11 2016-04-26  
755 Crashes upon pdb import v_1.1.0 open 2015-08-06 2015-08-06  
754 Saving .pdb file does not update coordinates v_0.1.0 open 2015-07-23 2015-07-23  
753 Crashes on pdb import v_1.1.0 open 2015-06-16 2015-06-20  
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