
ATutor (Learning Management System) / News: Recent posts

ATutor 2.2.4 Released

ATutor 2.2.4 has been released. This version adds gamification for courses, to add game elements that challenge, reward, and guide learners, and it adds an orientation module, to help new users quickly become proficient users. See the news release for details.

ATutor 2.2.4 News Release

Posted by Greg Gay 2018-06-21

ATutor 2.2.1 Released

This is primarily a maintenance release with many bug fixes and enhancements. Current users should upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of security enhancements. For a detailed list of changes, visit the ATutor Changelog. See the demo to try the new features, and download ATutor to install or upgrade.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2016-01-30 Labels: atutor release elearning lms security

ATutor 2.2 Released

ATutor 2.2 has been released. This is a major release with many new features and enhancements. Current users should upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of all the new features and the new security enhancements. For a detailed list of changes, visit the ATutor Changelog. See the demo to try the new features, and download ATutor to install or upgrade.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2014-08-24 Labels: ATutor lms elearning accessibility release course management

ATutor 2.1.1 Released

March 15, 2013

ATutor 2.1.1 has been released. This version includes many updates, feature adjustments, and a handful of new features. Current users should upgrade at their earliest opportunity. To try ATutor, or download a copy, follow the links below. Read on for more about the changes in this release.

ATutor Demo

ATutor Download read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2013-03-15 Labels: atutor release lms lcms elearning vle gsoc

ATutor 2.1 Released

ATutor 2.1 Released
October 5, 2012

ATutor 2.1 has been released. This version is a major release with a variety of new features and many adjustments and security enhancements. To try ATutor, or download a copy, follow the links below. Read on for more about the changes in this release.

ATutor Demo

ATutor Download
Changes in ATutor 2.1
Multisite ATutor: The main new feature in this release is the multisite extension for ATutor. This allows a single ATutor code base to run many independent subsites, ideal for service providers offering ATutor hosting, or ideal for organizations that prefer separate installations for departments, but prefer the convenience of managing only one ATutor installation. Administrators can install the Manage ATutor Multisite module in a standalone ATutor system to enable multisite features, and use it to easily create and manage any number of subsites. ... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2012-10-05

ATutor 2.0.3 Released

ATutor 2.0.3 Released
September 14, 2011

ATutor 2.0.3 has been released. In this release two add-on modules have been integrated, several security enhancements have been added, and lots or little bug fixes and refinements have been made. Existing users should upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of new security features. For a detailed list of changes, visit the ATutor Changelog. View the demo to try the new features, and download ATutor to install or upgrade.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2011-09-14

ATutor/AContent Standards Update

February 22, 2011
ATutor/AContent Standards Update
We are happy to announce a number of updates to ATutor standards compliance efforts.

1. *ATutor BasicLTI Certification*: ATutor 2.0.2, with the new External Tools module, now complies with the IMS BasicLTI standard. This allows administrators to link external tools into ATutor and make them available to content authors to add to their content as learning activities. Instructors and content authors can also add their own external tools to individual courses, so they too can be added to content as learning activities.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2011-02-22

ATutor 2.0.2 Released

*ATutor 2.0.2 Released*
December 21, 2010

ATutor 2.0.2 was released today. This release is primarily a stabilization release, with lots of adjustments aimed at refining functionality in the ATutor 2.0 series. For those using the ATutor 1.6 series or earlier, you should upgrade as soon as possible to take advantage of many new features and a number of security enhancements. For those using 2.0 or later, you might choose to upgrade if you are experiencing any problems with your current installation. Otherwise 2.0 users might choose to wait until the next release to upgrade.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-12-21

ATutor 2.0.1 Released

ATutor 2.0.1 Released
October 20, 2010

ATutor 2.0.1 was released today. This release is primarily a maintenance release, fixing a few bugs, refining some functionality, and extending a few features. If you are using ATutor 2.0 and everything is working okay for you, you probably do not need to upgrade. But, read on for a list of the significant changes.

Download ATutor read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-10-20

AContent 1.0 Released

August 26, 2010

AContent 1.0 was released today. This is the initial public release.

AContent is an Open Source content authoring tool and repository used to create standardized, accessible, adaptable learning materials. It can be integrated with many Web-based learning environments as a tool to author, share, and store reusable content. To try the demo, or to download a copy, visit the AContent site, and read on for a list of key features.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-08-26

New ATutor 2.0 Modules

August 11, 2010

Three new modules for ATutor 2.0 were release today. They can be downloaded from the ATutor module site at the link below, or they can be imported directly from using the ATutor administrator's Module Manager. For more about modules, or to download them, visit:

*New ATutor Modules*

*Assignment Drop Box*
This module extends the current Assignments tool, and the File Storage utility, providing a quick way for learners to submit assignment files, and a quick way for instructors to provide feedback on submissions and gather submitted assignments for review.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-08-11

ATutor 2.0 Released

*ATutor 2.0 Released*
July 6, 2010

ATutor 2.0 has now been released. This version has some significant new features and represents a change of direction for ATutor software from its LMS roots to a collection of tools for developing online classrooms. ATutor administrators should upgrade their systems at their earliest convenience.

Follow these links for addition details, and read below for a list of new features. ... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-07-06

ATutor 2.0 Beta1 Released

ATutor 2.0 Beta1 Released
May 12, 2010

The first public development version of ATutor 2.0 is now available for testing and public comment, leading up to a final release late June or early July 2010. ATutor users should take this opportunity to try out the new version, and post their comments and bug reports to the forums.

*ATutor 2.0 Demo*

*Bug Reports Forum* ... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2010-05-12

ATutor 1.6.4 Released

December 16, 2009

*ATutor 1.6.4 Released*

ATutor 1.6.4 is now available. Current users should upgrade as soon as possible. To try the new features in this release, visit the demo site at the link below. Or, download a copy to setup your own installation.

*ATutor 1.6.4 Demo*

*ATutor 1.6.4 Download*

*What's New in this Release*... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-12-17

ATutor 1.6.4 Beta Released

A beta release of ATutor 1.6.4 is now available for testing and feedback, leading up to the final release in mid December. Post your feedback and bug reports early to the ATutor Bug Reports Forum

*ATutor Bug Reports*

*ATutor 1.6.4 Demo*

*ATutor 1.6.4 Download*

*What's New in this Release*... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-11-18

ATutor 1.6.3 Released

* *ATutor 1.6.3 Released* *

ATutor 1.6.3 has been released. Current users are encouraged to upgrade to take advantage of some significant new features. ATutor can now be used as social networking software, as a learning management system, or for both social networking and elearning.

*ATutor 1.6.3 Demo*

*ATutor 1.6.3 Download* read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-07-23

ATutor 1.6.3 Beta1 Released

Jun 12, 2009

*In this Newsletter*:
ATutor 1.6.3 Beta Released
ATutor Translation
AChecker Accessibility Evaluator Released

* *ATutor 1.6.3 Beta Released* *
The first beta release of ATutor 1.6.3 is now available for testing and feedback. ATutor users are encouraged to visit the demo, or install a version, and try out the new features. Requests for feature adjustments, and bug reports, can be posted to the Bug Reports forum. Please take the time now to test the new ATutor while changes can still be made.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-06-12

ATutor Social and AChecker

*Introducing ATutor Social*
ATutor Social is now available for testing and feedback. This Beta version can either be downloaded from the Web site, or for those using ATutor 1.6.2+. it can be installed directly from the Module Repository using the administrator's Module Manager. The final release of the module should come about the same time as the next major ATutor release (June 09).... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2009-04-16

ATutor 1.6.2 Released

December 11, 2008

ATutor 1.6.2 Released

ATutor 1.6.2 has been released. This is a significant release, with the addition of quite a number of new features, and further support for accessibility and interoperability standards.

Download ATutor 1.6.2 Now

ATutor 1.6.2 Demo

New in this release

IMS AccessForAll & ISO FDIS 24751 Accessibility AccessForAll support provides authors the means to add alternate forms of content to their content packages. Learners can define in their preferences how the ATutor environment is displayed, and define which forms of content they prefer, so content adapts to individual users' learning preferences. (Contributed in part by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bologna)... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2008-12-11

ATutor 1.6.1 Released

ATutor 1.6.1 Released
July 2, 2008

*ATutor 1.6.1 Released*
ATutor 1.6.1 stable release is now available. ATutor users should upgrade their systems to take advantage of a number of security upgrades as well as a variety of new features.



*New Features in ATutor 1.6.1*

*Patcher*: Available as an addon module for version 1.6, the Patcher module has been integrated into ATutor as a standard module. Patcher allows administrators to update their systems with new features and patches issued at in between releases. It also allows developers to create patches for new features etc. that can easily be merged into ATutor to become a permanent part of the public source code, or to maintaining custom proprietary features across versions of ATutor. (Thanks in part to The Royal Danish Defence College)... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2008-07-02

ATutor Award and Release

ATutor Award and Release
May 20, 2008

*ATutor Receives Gold IMS Learning Impact Award*
We are very pleased to announce that ATutor has received a Gold IMS Learning Impact Award for 2008. These awards recognize high impact use of technology to improve learning across all industry segments and in all regions of world. ATutor also received three best in show awards for best personalized learning solution, best open source learning platform, and top vote getter from attendees at the conference. Congratulations goes to everyone who has contributed over the years, once again. We're on a roll! Keep up the good work.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2008-05-20

ATutor 1.6 Released

ATutor 1.6 has been released. Current users should upgrade their systems to take advantage of many bug fixes and security enhancements. The most notable change in this release is the conversion of the entire system over to UTF-8 languages.

Download ATutor 1.6

*UTF-8 Upgrade in this Release*
This release marks a significant change for ATutor, moving the entire system over to UTF-8 characters for displaying language, an improvement to the previous system where different languages used different character sets. This move greatly improves support for multilingual ATutor systems, and for multibyte languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, and others. It also allows content-authors to use mixed languages in their courses. ... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2008-02-05

ATutor 1.6 Beta Released

*ATutor 1.6 Beta Released*
December 19 2007

- ATutor 1.6 Beta Released
- ATutor Receives Mellon Award
- New Look for
- Translating ATutor 1.6

*ATutor 1.6 Beta Released*
A beta version of ATutor 1.6 is now available for testing and feedback prior to the final release coming early in the new year. Current users are asked to test the system and report any bugs, or needed adjustments, to the Bug Reports Forum.... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2007-12-20

ATutor Takes 2007 Mellon Award

The ATRC, and the ATutor team, have been presented with one of this year's Mellon Awards for Technology Collaboration (MATC). The prize was one of 10 awarded yesterday to honor not-for-profit organizations for leadership in the collaborative development of open source software tools with application to scholarship in the arts and humanities. The prizes were presented at the Fall Task Force meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information by Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, Director of the World Wide Web Consortium and the inventor of the World Wide Web. read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2007-12-12

ATutor 1.5.5 Released

August 2, 2007
*ATutor 1.5.5 Released*

ATutor 1.5.5 has been released. This release is primarily a maintenance release, but does include a few smaller new features and additions to existing functionality, described below. Users are encouraged to upgrade their systems.

Download ATutor 1.5.5

*New in ATutor 1.5.5*

*The "Media" tag* , used to quickly embed multimedia files into content pages, forum messages, glossary items, test questions, and other places where content is created. Supported formats are: mpeg, mov, wmv, swf, mp3, wav, ogg, mid, and YouTube hosted videos... read more

Posted by Greg Gay 2007-08-02