
Advanced Stock Tracking System / News: Recent posts

ast-0.2.8-r1 released

This release fixes the downloading errors with Yahoo Finance. Sorry for the delay in this release, I moved recently and haven't had an Internet connection.

Posted by Michael Williamson 2007-09-23

ast-0.2.8 Released!

Today AST version 0.2.8 was released. This release adds the ability to manually correct for splits that Yahoo does not recognize. It ties together the worksheet and portfolio through a slippage calculations, which allows you to measure how good your timing is. Users can now enter a custom exchange rate for transactions instead of using the market rate. Full change log follows:

* New: Ability to manually correct for splits that Yahoo doesn't notice
* New: Slippage calculation for portfolio -- ties together worksheet and stoploss
* New: Added start date option for afetch
* New: Securitymaster and markets query to afetch
* Implemented wish #1584779: IDEA: Market news in market watch
* Implemented wish #1619729: WISH: Transaction Exchange Rate
* Implemented wish #1709433: Return of capital
* Fixed: afetch errors should go to stderr
* Fixed: Market watch was showing market opening in huge number of minutes.
* Fixed: Added a lock file for the scheduler so that you don't get two schedulers working on the same job.
* Fixed: date issues with AST regarding daylight savings time
* Fixed bug #1710125: Tried to add a dividend, got this error
* Fixed bug #1686863: ast does not support ta-lib 0.3.0

Posted by Michael Williamson 2007-05-06

ast-0.2.7 released

Today ast-0.2.7 was released. The main new feature in this version is the addition of risk analysis. You can now see how risky each of your portfolio holdings is, how much you have reduced your risk by diversifying and how much each security contributes to the over all risk in your portfolio. There are new reports to help find high or low volatility stocks. The portfolio now has an Annualised view, which shows how much you make per year with componound interest. Here is the complete change log:... read more

Posted by Michael Williamson 2007-03-11

ast-0.2.5 release

Today I released version 0.2.5 of AST. There were many bugs fixed in this
release as well as some neat new features. Among them are:

1. You can now plot your portfolio on the charts and comparison. This is a
neat feature allowing you to compare your historical performance vs. an index
or security. This plot uses your current holdings and does factor in
transactions. The reason for this decision is because you will see
discontinuities in the chart if you add or remove capital.... read more

Posted by Michael Williamson 2007-01-17

ast-0.2.2 Released!

Today ast-0.2.2 was released. This release is purely a bug fix release, no new features were added. ast-0.2.2 now compiles on AMD64. See ChangeLog for more information.

Posted by Michael Williamson 2006-09-27

ast-0.2.1-r1 release

This release fixes one bug many users experienced compiling ast-0.2.1 and also changes the version number to 0.2.1 from SVN. If you have already installed 0.2.1 successfully, then don't bother to download this release. If you have errors with the 0.2.1 release please try this one.

Posted by Michael Williamson 2006-08-30

AST 0.2.1 Released!


* Automatically fill in last dividend value for new dividend transactions (WISH #1545628)
* Removed ast-0.1.9 import code from default install, configure with --enable-import to get it.
* Stopped using var/crash files in favour of var/log/error_log
* Removed requirement for user to be in DEBUG group to see full error messages in hopes that more people will submit bugs now.
* Removes the 'Guest' user from the default users database
* Added a forgotten password page to reset your password (required pwgen program installed)
* New users now have a randomly generated password (instead of blank)
* Added ability for users to change thier password in preferences
* Added stop-loss feature to portfolio. This feature allows you to program into the portfolio your stop loss and have it be trigged an alert. Also supports trailing stop losses.
* Removed rating change column from diversification summary (closes bug #1545653)
* Mouse over diversification summary no longer makes it highlight red.
* Fixed: Logging in at wrong time could cause crash (Fixes bug #1545976)
* Fixed: Quotes on portfolio don't show up until 10 AM (when they should show up at 9:45)
* Added target price field to portfolio
* Added support for recording commission costs (WISH #1544987)
* AST now compiles with -rdynamic which brings back missing stack trace symbols.
* Removed the word 'default' from the portfolio data as it is confusing (bug #1544615)
* Added ability to reorder views, to choose your default view.
* Views are no longer reordered when modifying them.
* Added ability to highlight patterns on chart (WISH #1538364)
* You can now use [field] in expressions when the field contains special characters (fixes bug #1532395)
* Added more documentation for mobile email address (fixes bug #1542325)
* Added ability to authenticate against generic SQL databases. Joomla is supported by default, others can be added manually or supported on request (WISH #1542241)
* Added website documentation into distribution
* Added INSTALL and README files
* Fixed crash when trying to sell shares for $0 (fixes bug #1542045)
* Now have the ability to automatically scale charts to your screen (WISH #1502624)
* Added help messages when a view is empty (WISH #1540287)
* Fixed: Daily Quote alert buttons Open and Close were switched (fixes bug #1541360)
* Added Yahoo Finance data source for worksheet (bug #1539013)
* Added more debugging information to bug form (system configuration info)
* When data is not available on a chart a nicer message is shown (fixes bug #1539013)
* Added missing system include to (fixes bug #1539018)
* Added ability to download all tables in AST as spreadsheets (WISH #1539004)
* Added ability to read quotes from a SQL database through ODBC
* Made libz an optional dependancy
* Made libmash an optional dependancy
* Fixed: Ast does not compile with >=ta-lib-0.2.0 (fixes bug #1511311)
* Fixed TA-lib ebuild failure when compiling with MAKEOPTS="-j2" or greater (bug #1538358)
* Added Read All button to portfolio (WISH #1532842)
* Some improvements to speed of stock screener
* Added new script which can automate installation of AST.
* Added feature to show chart prices when hovering over the chart.
* Added translation support to AST. If you want to translate AST please contact me!
* Removed current user from the list of users when granting portfolio permissions.

Posted by Michael Williamson 2006-08-29

ast-0.2.0_pre4 Released!

Today ast-0.2.0_pre4 was released, which includes code up to SVN version 175. The changes are:

1. Fixed: Bug #1518439 crash when deleting a transaction.
2. Fixed: Stock screener crashes.
3. Fixed: importing default portfolio view
4. Made portfolio automatically refresh every 5 minutes
5. Added help tooltips on images.
6. Changed ebuild to use webapp.eclass
7. Added help information to markets screen.
8. Added first run wizard to make sure ast is setup correctly.
9. Fixed: Could not edit sell transaction.
10. Fixed: Selling stock which has split produced negative gains.
11. Added share portfolios feature.... read more

Posted by Michael Williamson 2006-07-18

AST 0.1.8 Released!

AST 0.1.8 was released today. This release adds many new feature enhancements such as improved charting, configurable MarketWatch and new help system. This release is the easiest to use and easiest to get started with!

Posted by Michael Williamson 2006-02-09

Version 0.1.2 Release

Adds RSS news integration. See main page for more information (

Posted by Michael Williamson 2005-09-27