
Welcome Asia Pacific College, Makati

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  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-09-26

    Clark Lubrio, you been activated.

    You can login again to to check.

  • Clark Lubrio

    Clark Lubrio - 2011-09-27


    I have already installed the openbravo POS but when I run it, I'm having troubles, it says "Windows cannot find 'javaw.' Make sure you typed it correctly and then try again." I did nothing thinking I could mess up the whole program so, yeah.

  • Clark Lubrio

    Clark Lubrio - 2011-09-27

    I forgot to type my name.

    Clark Lubrio

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    Guys,, I always got this error, I already tried using java 1.7.0 and… Both didn't work it is related to the java being used?? Plus I already tried the 360 that was in the PDFGuide and the installer so I rather use the installer 361 since it is more stable but both of it received this error so can anyone please help me I've been stuck here for how many days but tried solving it on my own… or if you know a link about this please share thanks :))

    Kevin Tan

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    ADempiere(R) - Java Version Check
    (\&nbsp; /)
    ( \/ )  Jav HotSpot(TM) ClientVM - 1.7.0 <> 1.5.0
    ( /\ )
    (/  \)         

    This is like the Image :)) I can't post it here xD

  • mdlibunao

    mdlibunao - 2011-09-28

    Hi red1,

    I'm Mark Libunao. Thanks for giving us inspiration in using open source techniques to ask help and give help to fellow developers.

    A short introduction for the Adempiere Filipino community, I'm a Systems Developer/Analyst in a IT consulting company and currently using Adempiere for our ERP projects. I've done customized functions(new modules), report integration(jasper reports), implementation of the standard adempiere modules and data migration for opening balances, inventory and records using Adempiere and other open source softwares.

    As for joining the Adempiere community, I hope that i can help others with my little knowledge and hoping to learn more from others.

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-09-28

    Hi everyone! I am Mike!

    I have just joined this community and I look forward to working with you all. I have some experience with adempiere, and am willing to help as much as I can, and I also look forward to learning plenty from this community. :)

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-09-28

    Hi Mark and Mike,
    I given you commit rights in .. You can use the SVN there to submit your own stuff under your own branch.

    Welcome and good luck!

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-09-28

    Google is your friend. Try it cos i m not sure how to solve it for Windows as i m on Mac. U can also search in the SF forums (pull down  Forums till the bottom is the stupid search box, cos its so difficult to open).

    The java version i am using is 1.6.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-09-28

    Clark Lubrio , how can u mess up any program? It is in your own computer and i have not heard of any PC exploding yet.

    When u report an issue u should follow the  Etiquette (already given link in the ADempiere FB page. That means u have to give your environment - such as OS platform, version, steps you took before this issue happen.

    And as usual, Google the issue.. someone out there already has your same problem unless u are not from this planet. ;)

  • Jairah

    Jairah - 2011-09-28

    Hi everyone! :D

    Wow! There's so many comment already! :D
    I'm Jireh (pronounced as "Jairah") and I'm working with Mark and Mike; under the same company, Sir Joe's company ;D

    I'm also the web mistress of and I'm currently in the progress of improving the layouts, designs, and contents of the website. :) For those who are interested to contribute, you're welcome to contact me. I heard from red Red1 that there are interested people who wanted to help. Your contribution will be a big help. :D

    Also, if I can be of help, like if you're having a hard time understanding how an ERP really works I can be of help. I've also posted some of my notes in adempiere wiki, here's the link
    I try to update it as soon as I encounter something I'm having a hard time solving ;)

    Like what Red1 said, I hope that we can have many great teams here in the Philippines. :)

    God bless everyone! :)

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    Thanks Sir Red, yes indeed google is really a big help and a best friend xD.

    Hello kuya mark, kuya mike and ate jireh :) it's nice to know that there are many people who are going to help share their knowledge about adempiere to others. Nice to know that the three of you are always there to help us. Good luck :))

    About my updates finally I was able to make the adempiere work, though it took a long time maybe since I didn't put my best effort in it or I am just not good . I know that it is just nothing but still I wanted to share my updates to everyone, so hopefully all of you would also update us so that we can learn and follow you :)).  Also I would really appreciate the guidance of the experts here thanks :))

    Still learning and wanting to learn more =))

    Kevin Tan

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-10-03

    Good day Redhuan,

    I just registered to under the user name "mikesz". Thank you.

    Michael Gendrala

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    Hello everyone, what's happening with you? Hopefully everyone would update here in the forum what's happening with their works :)

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-10-06

    What about you? :) You can join this OSGi exercise .. follow the link in there. It is easy and i already done it as i be working with iDempiere (OSGi version of ADempiere) alot in Europe, taking off to Paris in 18 hrs.

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    Hello Sir Red, that's great sorry for the long reply delay. Alright Sir I'll look in that forum, Take Care Sir. Just to share something sir, there's another dormer who will be a part of adempiere here and I think It will be cool to work together he is much more advance than me. ^_^, btw how is the travel sir? :))

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-10-08

    Thanks Kevin for the news and wishes. I am fine, chilly here in Paris, staying at another developer's friend apartment. I always update my FB .. if you ask there also i will answer.

    Remember everything i teach you my apprentice :)  .. just trying to sound like Jedi Master .. haha.. anyway as u know Steve Jobs just passed away and his story also inspired me alot.. its about passion and doing what you love, not what others want from you.

    Send my regards to all the ladies there! :) :)

  • Kevin Patrick Tan

    That's great sir :). Yes sifu, I will always remember them and also share them to other people. ^_^ Passion is a big factor from your teaching that helped me a lot, Steve Jobs inspired many people :))

    Okay sifu I'll send your regards for all the ladies here =))

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-10-10

    Hi Redhuan,

    I have a question. I intend to cluster the database backend of Adempiere. Is Adempiere fully compatible with pgpool-II?.

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-10-10

    Sorry, it seems I forgot to give my regards. :)

    Thanks again, Michael G.

  • Justine Roce

    Justine Roce - 2011-11-28

    Hello Sir Redhuan

    A quick question. You mentioned in your guide (OpenbravoPOS Integration and Development Guide), you said to put openbravoMQ.jar under lib/patches/.Our Adempiere lib folder didn't have the packages folder in it. Where should I put the aformentioned .jar file?

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-11-28

    Hello justineroce,

    In this link shows where the openbravoMQ.jar should be contained. and it is also on page 17 on the manual you are reading.

    You can just created the folders in the packages folder in your ADEMPIERE_HOME. The final path would something like this: <ADEMPIERE_HOME>/packages/openbravoPOS/lib/.

    The lib folder is where you put the openbravoMQ.jar

    Michael G.

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-11-28

    Hi MJeg15.. heh you are right! … was about to answer … just woke up in freezing temperature here, it is still dark.. :) .. will be spending Xmas here, it seems.

  • mikesz

    mikesz - 2011-11-28

    Hello Redhuan,

    Really? What time is it there? If I'm correct, colder places have longer dark times every day? :P well, hope you enjoy your stay there! ;)

  • Redhuan D. Oon

    Redhuan D. Oon - 2011-11-28

    It was about 6.15am when i woke up here in South Germany, near Kempten. Now 7.20am slowly light. It is between -4 to 5 Celsius but yesterday must be warmer and i went rock climbing. Got stuck due to fatigue in my hands and could not proceed in the middle of a sheer vertical drop. See my facebook page.

    So my friend has to 'save' me by coupling my 3rd rope to his, and i have to unlock my 2 safety ropes to the rock scaffolding to do a shift ala Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible scene, hehe.. really impossible there because in my undramatic case at least i have a 3rd rope locked to my friend and him only so you just got to trust your friend. Of course i trusted God to save me that time.


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