Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri
Open source PDF editor
Color Management Solution for Video Production is a modern media player for Windows that works just like mpv
darktable is an open source photography workflow application
An ICC-based CMM for color management
Image management application
Command line video player
ImageMagick 7
Large-scale WebGL-powered geospatial data visualization analysis
A viewer for git and diff output
Ping, but with a graph
Open-source CSS, SVG and Figma UI Icons Available in SVG Sprite
Angular Material admin template
Customizable Icons for React Native with full styling
colorschemes, colormaps, gradients, and palettes
A free and open source local CMS for static site generators
2D plotting for Julia
Word cloud generator in julia
Ridiculously fast, fully asynchronous, sharded hashmap for Rust
Chromatone is a digital garden of visual music theory
Julia bindings for Rust
Metadata/data identification Java library
colorizes kubectl output
The free and Open Source productivity suite