All your favorite services in one place
Lightweight, open-source SSH/telnet client
Fast & stable Nginx MariaDB Redis Php 8 development stack for Windows
cPassMan was renamed to TeamPass
KLA-Manjaro LXDE Desktop Environment
To-do manager, notepad, RSS reader...
Collaborative Passwords Manager
mpv.snad player is configured mpv player with most useful features.
A File Encryptor with many Options and Powerful Algorithms!
inputbox password WIN OSX GTK QT Console VCPKG C# Lua R Fortran Pascal
Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
Ladder editor and debugger
Koha 24.05.01 + DSpace 8.0 Live ISO Installer based on Ubuntu 22.04.4
OSX Styled Powerful Audio Workstation
AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
A simple password manager for Windows based on OpenSSL
Python-based password manager tool/software
Enhancements for disk encryption based on VeraCrypt(EFI loader etc)
Simple and flexible programming language for applications development
Sync manager that helps you sync your files across different locations
Game engine supporting many 3D/2D formats and graphic effects
Hotel Property Management with OTA channel support.