A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app
A premier mind-mapping software written in Java
Simple Online Planning
Freeplane add-on for task management and memo taking
private digital diary & note taking appliaciton
Platformunabhängiger Kalender zum Eintragen von Ereignissen
IGSuite is a web-ajax-based Integrated Groupware Suite
The Freeplane add-on that syncs a GTD mind map with a todo.txt file
Notes Pro V1.1.5.3 (18.03.2024)
Kunden-, Lieferanten-, Mitarbeiter-, Aktivitäten-, Stundenverwaltung
Open source project management
Free flexible open source todo manager featuring hierarchical tasks
A note taking program with WebDAV sync
Simple and useful time tracker
Create sticky notes, to-do list, journals & reminders all in one app
Todo task manager with simple, fast and intuitive user interface
Generate Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) in Excel.
Pretty little tasks manager