AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config
Powerful desktop publishing software
Terminal text colorizing and simplifies script coding.
Learn Java the easy way!
A C Compiler/Editor for Retro 6809 Machines (Colour Computer/Dragon)
A Java Class Library for Text Processing
Generate charts and reports using data gathered in log files
Create hyperlinks just by dragging, find contacts instantly, ...
Edit the OCR text layer of DjVu documents in a web browser
a Human and Artificial Intelligence Network
Advanced multiplatform text editor for developers
Aspose for Spring.Java provides Aspose API samples for Spring.Java.
FCKeditor (retired)
LaTeX, AscciMath and MathML editor developed in Javascript and HTML
Complete tool for constructing/manipulating languages in digital form
Package to allow the use of notational elements in LaTeX documents
The Scratch mod, Tiger