High-speed, 3D-friendly, TightVNC-compatible remote desktop software
Disk Inspection and Monitoring
Open Source Monitoring System for performance and availability.
Manage and interpret IPMI systems with common a software tool
For full, incremental, compressed and encrypted backups or archives
Identify sizes of memory modules installed on most UNIX-based systems
console tools, batch scripts, shell scripts, shell tools, utilities
Framework for bash 4
SMF service wrapper for VirtualBox under Solaris 10+ and OpenSolaris.
Suniq - quick little script to MD5 / SHA1 and file type files
Command validation tool
a collection of tools like my version of zip sync makevers
Text mode file and archive manager for Windows
Scalable, distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing
DBIS Reference Implementation
Set recovery mode IP and flash firmware to ASUS WL-500gP router
unixadmin is a system administration tool for Linux and OS X