Zabbix extension that reports various HDD status using various tools
Provide common tools similar to coreutils and util-linux.
Graphical programming. Includes n-dimensional sorting.
Split tar archive into subtars or android apps without extracting them
1-wire based boiler/DHW/distribution heating system controller
Tools Explore the List of Files based Mount
A library for blocking access to network on-the-fly
dhcpy6d is a server for IPv6 DHCPv6 written in Python.
File based version control system written in PHP
Tools Parallel Remote Commands for Unix
Terminal text colorizing and simplifies script coding.
Linux Library on top of Libc focusing on long term support.
Robust and flexible VPN network tunnelling
A library for secure deleting data on-the-fly
BASH tools and and Debian packages for Linux users and administrators
cross-platform (Java) file encryption and archiving tool
Scanning Probe Microscopy Controller and Data Visualization Software
Secure wiping/shredding of free disk space with many methods
Simple Monitoring Tool