GNAVI: The GNU Ada Visual Interface.
SIMD-accelerated libjpeg-compatible JPEG codec library
Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
The GNU Prolog native compiler
TX Library is a tiny graphics library for Win32 written in C++.
Unix Tools For Windows
Orx: Portable Game Engine
Jainja is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) written in Java
ALFOUR Programming language. Simple, safe, power, multi-platform.
Fuzzy sets, logic, numbers; intuitionistic fuzzy sets, fuzzy linguis
Hexadecimal strings test tool
A GUI library for designing gauges, meters, oscilloscopes, plotters
A canvas library for generating technical drawings
Dynamic Extension for TCL/TK
A whole-program optimizing compiler for Standard ML
C/C++ function instrumentation (AOP, exception/stack tracing, GC)
BASIC language interpreter (multiplatform)
Perform dynamic tunings for realtime music.
File type detector library
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