Vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
Open source tool that improves identification of vulnerabilities
Automated hacking tool to find leaked databases with 97.1% accuracy
Zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates
A cross-platform network scanner that is fast and simple to use
Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid
deletes junk files to free disk space and improve privacy
A C2 post-exploitation framework
KeePass Command Line Interface
AWStats Log Analyzer
4MLinux fork including ClamAV scanner
Implementation of the EDIINT AS2 protocol (RFC 4130)
AutoType Quick Search plugin for KeePass
For full, incremental, compressed and encrypted backups or archives
PHP code to purify & filter HTML
OpenSC - tools and libraries for smart cards
Node.js express.js MongoDB JWT REST API - Basic Project Skeleton