Showing 416 open source projects for "there is no way to"

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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1


    Low Rank Page Rank: A matlab project in sparse matrix computation

    The problem of Pagerank is a simple one to state: Given a collection of websites, how do we rank them? The primary way of formulating this utilizes a transition matrix which relates how web pages interact with each other. We investigate what the effect of a low rank approximation for the transition matrix has on the power method and an inner-outer iteration for solving the Pagerank problem. The purpose of the low rank approximation is two fold: (1) to reduce memory requirements (2...
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  • 2


    A software to manipulate RINEX 3 files

    rinex3manipulator is a software to manipulate RINEX 3 files, available functions are: - cut - under sample - filter constellation observations This small program is born to handle in a fast way RINEX 3 files to be used subsequently by the goGPS software:
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  • 3
    Complex Numbers Calculator Graphing Tool

    Complex Numbers Calculator Graphing Tool

    Calculator for complex numbers

    Calculator for complex numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with complex numbers. This calculator lets you calculate in an easy and fast way the operations between two complex numbers. It also shows the plots of the source numbers and the results. It shows also the quadrants, the magnitudes, and the angles of all the numbers involved. You just put your two numbers and all the calculations will be done!!! As easy like that!!!
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    Log-linear analysis (data modelling) for high-dimensional data

    ===== Project moved to ===== Log-linear analysis is the statistical method used to capture multi-way relationships between variables. However, due to its exponential nature, previous approaches did not allow scale-up to more than a dozen variables. We present here Chordalysis, a log-linear analysis method for big data. Chordalysis exploits recent discoveries in graph theory by representing complex models as compositions of triangular structures...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 5


    High-Quality methylation maps and SNV calling from BS-Seq experiments

    MethylExtract is a user friendly tool to generate i) high quality, whole genome methylation maps and ii) to detect sequence variation within the same sample preparation. The program is implemented into a single script and takes into account all major error sources: sequencing errors, bisulfite failure, clonal reads and single nucleotide variants. MethylExtract detects variation (SNVs – Single Nucleotide Variation) in a similar way than VarScan, a very sensitive method extensively used in SNP...
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  • 6


    Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy made easy

    ..., and graph smoothing. FABS was designed with students in mind, as a way to help high schoolers and undergraduates learn about spectroscopy without paying for expensive equipment and software. Accompanying this software is a hardware design, which can be used as a bare-bones spectrometer that will provide quantitative absorption and fluorescence emission spectra at an extremely low cost. It uses only materials that many people can find around their home.
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    Yet Another Finite Element Method Solver

    YAFEMS (Yet Another Finite Element Method Solver) is a FEM solver for Linux and WIndows that reads a MED mesh file produced by Salome ( with certain groups created into the mesh, and with the help of an input text file (.yaf), performs a 3D or 2D plane stress or plane strain analysis and creates results in plain text format and in MED format. This way a complete analysis can be carried inside Salome, where a mesh file can be created, exported and read...
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    A simple user interface to the R software environment.

    A simple user interface to the R software environment. It is designed for people new to R and provides the user with easy access to their variables and data along with pointers to the most basic commands. It also allows for multiple people to share data across different sessions on different machines. In this way it also offers a collaborative environment for people to work together in remote locations.
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    Vibeplot presents a new and attractive way to visualize vibrational analysis from density functional calculations (DFT). It is especially targeted at the chemists. The interface can either be scripted or used interactively with QVibeplot.
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10

    Visual Integer Factor

    Puzzle game demonstrating whats so hard about binary integer factoring

    VisualIntFactor will be an interactive educational and scientific tool demonstrating multiply, factor, conversion between unary counting and binary integers, all in the same grid of hexagons. This grid is based on pascals triangle, which is a 1d cellular automata that calculates (X choose Y) factorials by each cell being the sum of the 2 cells upleft and upright. Draw a binary integer from a cell going upright, then explore the allowed transforms which may lead you to a factored state in 2...
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    Taylor series Integrator for Differential Equations

    Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS. This software is developed by Profs. A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa and M. Rodriguez, (GME, University of Zaragoza, Spain). It consists on a C (Fortran) library, libTIDES, and a Mathematica package, MathTIDES. (MathTIDES requires Mathematica version >= 7.0) . Basic references: * A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa, M. Rodriguez, 2012. Algorithm 924: TIDES, a Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS, ACM TOMS. 39, no. 1, art. 5....
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  • 12


    Find the USB address of a USB-based serial port

    Serial ports are a classic way for computers and peripheral devices to communicate. Originally modems, printers and laboratory equiptment had serial ports. The serial ports were hardware chips with known addresses. Modern computers and devices often use USB to emulate serial communications. This works well, except the device has a serial address (e.g. ttyUSB0) and a USB address. tty2usb is a utility that probe system information to display the link between USB and serial addresses.
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    LGPL GML parser

    ... catalogue projects. The library is compiled using Java 1.5 or 1.6. For now, supported inputs are: LineString, MultiLineString, MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon, MultiSurface (in an experimental way: the only child object handled is Polygon). At the following URL: is exposed a minimal web interface in order to test it.
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    Open implementation of the x86 architecture

    OpenSOC86 is an open implementation of the x86 architecture in Verilog. The current version only implements the 16-bit part (real mode). The processor is a pipelined architecture clocked at 100 MHz in a Cyclone II speed grade -6. Therefore it can be seen as similar to a 486 in real mode. Several peripherals are also implemented in a somewhat minimalistic way, but enough to be able to boot an IBM PCXT compatible bios and MSDOS 6.22. The current implementation is only proven to boot the bios...
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  • 15


    NAIL is a toolset for network analysis in the life sciences

    ... a common approach in the life sciences. However, different algorithms typically use different input and output data types, are implemented using different technologies, and are demonstrated by application to different biological problems. Because of this, the primary goal of the NAIL project is to provide a straightforward way to use network approaches in the life sciences, and to apply a variety of techniques quickly and easily on the same data.
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    Latest on Arxiv

    Parse the latest Arxiv RSS stream and get your institute preprints

    Latest on Arxiv is a program/script with a simple job to do. Every day, it will download all pdf files from your favorite Arxiv RSS, and will then scan it to see if any authors from your favorite institute(s) are on there. If so, it will save the resulting index. The matched files are then parsed into a short list, featuring only the latest 4 preprints (which is ideal for a single TV screen in the coffee corner), and a long list which contains every paper in a clickable way. I provide...
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  • 17
    TUBE 3D

    TUBE 3D

    Software For CNC Plasma Tube Cut Profile Creation

    PLASMA TUBE 3D 2014 is developed for Plasma Pipe Cutting Machine. Goal is to provide easy way to calculate point coordinates for pipe (tube) cutting where each end of produced tube needs to fit to some round or planar surface (in most case, next step is welding produced tube to that surfaces). G CODE produced can be used directly (in most cases) as input to some CNC machine control software. Or you can easily use (cut&copy) calculated paths and use it in your own G CODE file...
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  • 18


    The Project moved to github

    The project has moved to github Agent.GUI is a simulation framework and toolkit based on the JADE framework. It provides functionalities for time aspects, agent-environment interaction, visualization and load balancing, Furthermore, the included application focuses the usability for end users.
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    OpenGTS Navigator

    Customization of OpenGTS look and feel

    OpenGTS Navigator seeks to help OpenGTS users to create their own look and feel of the telematics software by providing a skeleton which can be used as a way to start their customization.
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    Extracting effects of mutations on molecular properties from text.

    Genetic variants alter cellular behavior in a variety of ways, changing biochemical properties of DNA, mRNA, and proteins. Many large-scale sequencing projects are under way to detect human variation in health and disease. Although broad disease associations can be discovered by GWAS studies, the low-level impact of mutations is hardly available in structured form. The results of thousands of small-scale experiments, on the other hand, are present in the literature and discuss observations made...
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    Spectrum Analyzer Software

    ... information in any way. Just copy program file and place it anywhere on HD or USB stick.
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    Cisco config surfing,parsing,searching
    ... web server) with PHP, configuring apache in the proper way for directories permissions and so on. Find more pictures and info in the docs.
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    Write annotations for statements

    This Eclipse plug-in will allow the software engineer to write annotations for statements. This plug-in will automatically extract the written code to a method, including its annotations, without changing the way you program. The plug-in is built for the Java programming language and is currently able to transform statements that support comments.
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    XOR encrypt v2.0

    XOR encrypt v2.0

    Encrypt Your Text documents with XOR encryption

    This software provides an easy graphical way to encrypt your text documents from source code , text files ,scripts even jpeg files .It is a enhanced version of my earlier project which used win32 GUI . This is a demonstration of working of XOR encryption which was used by Germans in World War II ( . Besides from XOR'ing the message with password after every encryption the key changes pseudorandomly...
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    eLCS - Educational Learning Classifier System

    ... algorithm in order to illustrate how work, how they are coded, and what impact they have on how an LCS algorithm runs. The Demo 6 version of eLCS is most similar to the UCS algorithm. Each version only includes the minimum code needed to perform the functions they were designed for. This way users can start by examining the simplest version of the code and progress forward. This code is intended to be used as an educational tool, or as algorithmic code building blocks.
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