Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool
Android real-time display control software
Strawberry Music Player
The programmer's solid 3D CAD modeller
Modern music player and library organizer
X-Plane plugin that displays a tablet to aid VR usage
Generated headers and sources for OpenXR loader
An open source and free music notation software
Home theater software and entertainment hub for digital media
Video, Image and GIF upscale/enlarge(Super-Resolution)
Dust3D is a cross-platform open-source 3D modeling software
The fre:ac audio converter project
Console-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders shaders
Make OpenStreetMap vector tiles without the stack
Free and open source voxel art tools - editor, thumbnailer and format
The open-asset-importer-library repository
The "DIY" SteamVR compatible VR setup made for tinkerers
Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need
Conformance test suite for OpenXR
Open-Source OpenXR C++ language projection
Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor.
Media Player Classic - BE
A free multi-track audio editor and recorder
Window hooker to run fullscreen programs in window and much more...