A Universal Windows Printer Driver for Windows 10 and Windows 11!
Fork of Linux Void
CruxEX 3.7 64 bit 24/22 Linux Live DVD/USB is based on CRUX 3.7
AZip - A portable Zip Archive Manager
A Universal Graphics Driver Installer for Windows 10 and Windows 11!
SlackEX 15.0 64 bit is based on Slackware Current
Debian and MX-based Linux distribution running Linux-libre kernel
LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
PHP Student Attendance System, scan QR code to take attendance.
Plan out your kitchen garden
Moodle 4.2 + DSpace 7.6 + Koha 23.11 Live ISO based on Ubuntu 22.04.3
Smoke: Android Crypto Chat Messenger
Java Disk Benchmark Utility
The Free & Popular opendhcp application for Physical & Virtual Machine
Indexed file searching for car ecu files | MSSTuner | Testo Log Viewer
Panda Linux (Arch Based)
A remix of the Raspberry Pi Foundation PIXEL image with Refracta Tools
Inventory system with built-in QR and NFC scanner, passwordless login.
A portable SCADA/IoT platform centered on the MongoDB database server.
LFS EXTON is a live installable system built from Linux From Scratch
OpenAL 3D Sound Mixer & Output as ASIO Driver
Senpai Respin MiyoLinux uses JWM window manager with Devuan-5
Linux Mint LMDE 6 ONLY with Mate in its two versions of 32 and 64 bits
Moving LinuxHub Prime to v2.0.0 BETA
A fast file manager.