Password Safe encrypted databases, Java library
An implementation of interval arithmetic
Tables indexed by strings
A C++ library for multiprecision complex-number matrix calculations.
API for Password Manager Daemon (pwmd)
Platform-independent GUI library
C++ lightweight cross-platform game engine
Provide common tools similar to coreutils and util-linux.
Portable command line options parsing
A Node.js module for easily processing command line switches and args
A GUI library for designing gauges, meters, oscilloscopes, plotters
Handling dimensioned values in Ada
Cross-platform C++ library for use as a default application framework.
Online service for PDF conversion (to PDF)
A library for blocking access to network on-the-fly
Command-line calculator and libray.
A library for hiding the local IP address from applications.
A library for secure deleting data on-the-fly
Evaluador de expresiones matemáticas para Java en español
Official repository for the Android version of the immuni application
Random Variate generators for various distributions.
Java wrapper for 7z archiver engine
Java bindings for the Wheefun Options Parsing Library