Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti) Open source projects
Astronomy CCD capture software
Ladder editor and debugger
WorkerPDF is GUI for GhostScript created for PDF conversion
A simple program to run a INDI server
Эмулятор ЭКВМ серии «Электроника»
User interface for INDI Eqmod telescope driver
This is a simple GUI for the command line tool grep and pdfgrep
Native Windows Morse code terminal
Pascal Units for Medical Applications
VCLua is a LCL/VCL based GUI library for LUA
Sql Manager for MsSql, MySql, Oracle, Sqlite, Firebird and PostgreSql
фото триггер (high speed photo trigger)
It's possible for machines to become self-aware.
Atari XL/XE font maker for PC
Modern UI in Lazarus
Minimal Pastebin desktop application
Useful methods for Free Pascal and Lazarus (some are TP)
Scimark for Delphi/Lazarus/Free Pascal
A way to create and show a map of an area created from GPS-Data