An open-source registry for VS Code extensions
Environment for configuring customized applications Asset Management
Translates state machine into a target programming language.
A DPA process-based application platform with a workflow engine
Delphi : VRCalc++ OOSL & + (Paged List, TextEditor, VRAstroVision ...)
The kit can be used as code generator for any programming language.
Component, CA, and CCA models; superdense time, DB repo, testing, etc.
Kisekae UltraKiss is a full featured integrated development environmen
Delphi Java - VRCalc++ OOSL (Script) and + (Binary Exec Distro)
Java Essential Tools, JDK13-19 , JConsole, VisualVM, MissionControl
A faster way to develop React Web Applications
Core business process engine of Alibaba Halo platform
Growth-grammar related Interactive Modelling Platform
Compose Software Without Writing Any Programing Code
SikuliX version 2.0.0+ (2019+)
Compiler-like generic data scraper and GUI automation tool.
Lightweight IDE for Java
DeepCode extension for Visual Studio Code
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
CAM XML Editor for XML+JSON+Hibernate+SQL Open-XDX sponsored by Oracle
Source code for the processing core and development environment
The best Java library to work with .Net libraries and frameworks.