Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities.
Zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers and more
WW2 U-boat simulation
Combat Flight Simulator for LINUX. WW2. Network and VOIP. Open-source.
LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
A free 3D game engine to create games and realtimes scenes for Windows
Maze creation, solving, exploration, and analysis
Cross-breeding a 3D FPS with a fantasy RPG in the world of Hexen
Cross-platform real-time strategy game (3D)
3D OpenGL Game [moved to: play.ru.net/tanks3d]
3rd Party Video Games Developer: MetalManGames, titles of games
High-efficiency minimalist C++ wrapper for OpenGL 4.3
C++ OpenGL 3D Game Dev Lib [moved to: play.ru.net/src]
Parabator 3 - Rush of the Wind - Free 3d board game / license lgpl
SpaceStations, StarShip Division.
Opengate is a Jumpgate remake
Simple 3d Top-Down Shooter & Free 3d Board Game
C++ lightweight cross-platform game engine
Attention! This tiny board/shooter game just created for fun