Pentaho offers comprehensive data integration and analytics platform.
Database Replication, Filtered Synchronization, and Transformation
A DPA process-based application platform with a workflow engine
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
open source edi translator
Openbravo ERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Document Management System and Content Management System
Create a webapp from an existing database in 30 seconds - Java/Groovy
NET4.5 Simple Application Builder + Reporting
Simple Reporting System
Development Platform for Web and Mobile Applications
RegTech / SupTech : Java EE , BI, PM & Report Designer
Bovespa Analytics
Business Transaction Tracker and Bulk SMS platform
professional CRM and groupware service, ready for the cloud
Reporting, Dashboarding, Analytic, Self-service BI, Ad-hoc reporting
Open Source Enterprise Wiki and Web Application Platform
An open source search engine with RESTFul API and crawlers
Create FSG report in Excel format at your desktop