Showing 81 open source projects for "small"

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time

    Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and macOS. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with your eyes, binoculars or a small telescope. Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. Plugin system adding artifical satellites, ocular simulation, telescope control and more...
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  • 2
    Personal Management System

    Personal Management System

    Your web application for managing personal data

    ... tools to keep track of your goals progress or use the payments submodule to keep an eye of the money amount that you want to collect for something. Add any personal note to the desired category. Here, you can keep any small information that you need; it can be either quick notes from phone calls, a bunch of information collected all around different pages, or some links to things that you want to check somewhere later in the future.
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  • 3


    Simple development server with live-reload capability for Julia

    This is a simple and lightweight development web-server written in Julia, based on HTTP.jl. It has live-reload capability, i.e. when modifying a file, every browser (tab) currently displaying the corresponding page is automatically refreshed.
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  • 4


    Simple reactive notebooks for Julia

    We are on a mission to make scientific computing more accessible and fun. Writing a notebook is not just about writing the final document, Pluto empowers the experiments and discoveries that are essential to getting there.
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 5
    Go Recipes

    Go Recipes

    Collection of handy tools for Go projects

    ... — by the official Go team. Use to find unexpected dependencies or visualize the project. Works best for a small number of packages, for large projects use grep to narrow down subgraph. Collect all the licenses or check if you can use the project for example in a proprietary or commercial environment. Tell Go compiler which versions of upstreams to include in your build. Tell all users of your module how to deal with versions of your module.
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    Julia library for compositional construction of SQL queries

    FunSQL is a Julia library for the compositional construction of SQL queries. Julia programmers sometimes need to interrogate data with the Structured Query Language (SQL). But SQL is notoriously hard to write in a modular fashion. FunSQL exposes full expressive power of SQL with compositional semantics. FunSQL allows you to build queries incrementally from small independent fragments. This approach is particularly useful for building applications that programmatically construct SQL queries.
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  • 7


    High-performance and differentiation-enabled nonlinear solvers

    ... linear solvers, along with the ability to use sparse automatic differentiation for Jacobian construction and Jacobian-vector products. NonlinearSolve.jl interfaces with other packages of the Julia ecosystem to make it easy to test alternative solver packages and pass small types to control algorithm swapping. It also interfaces with the ModelingToolkit.jl world of symbolic modeling to allow for automatically generating high-performance code.
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    A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap

    A Python package to draw maps with customizable styles from OpenStreetMap data. Created using the osmnx, matplotlib, shapely and vsketch packages.
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    Periodic Table for Julians

    A very simple package for accessing elements in the Periodic Table. PeriodicTable.jl provides a Julia interface to a small database of element properties for all of the elements in the periodic table. In particular PeriodicTable exports a global variable called elements, which is a collection of Element data structures.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    High-Performance Unified Interface for Linear Solvers in Julia

    LinearSolve.jl is a unified interface for the linear solving packages of Julia. It interfaces with other packages of the Julia ecosystem to make it easy to test alternative solver packages and pass small types to control algorithm swapping. It also interfaces with the ModelingToolkit.jl world of symbolic modeling to allow for automatically generating high-performance code. Performance is key: the current methods are made to be highly performant on scalar and statically sized small problems...
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  • 11


    Fast and efficient plotting of images inside Python Notebooks

    IPyPlot is a small python package offering fast and efficient plotting of images inside Python Notebooks. It's using IPython with HTML for faster, richer and more interactive way of displaying big numbers of images.
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  • 12


    Core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework

    Repository for developers that provides core functionality for the MLJ machine learning framework. MLJ is a Julia framework for combining and tuning machine learning models. This repository provides core functionality for MLJ.
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  • 13


    A fresh approach to coordinate transformations

    CoordinateTransformations is a Julia package to manage simple or complex networks of coordinate system transformations. Transformations can be easily applied, inverted, composed, and differentiated (both with respect to the input coordinates and with respect to transformation parameters such as rotation angle). Transformations are designed to be light-weight and efficient enough for, e.g., real-time graphical applications, while support for both explicit and automatic differentiation makes...
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  • 14


    convenient input and display of LaTeX equation strings for Julia

    This is a small package to make it easier to type LaTeX equations in string literals in the Julia language, written by Steven G. Johnson. With ordinary strings in Julia, to enter a string literal with embedded LaTeX equations you need to manually escape all backslashes and dollar signs: for example, $\alpha^2$ is written \$\\alpha^2\$. Also, even though IJulia is capable of displaying formatted LaTeX equations (via MathJax), an ordinary string will not exploit this.
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  • 15


    Implementation of robust dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods

    Implementation of robust dynamic Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in Julia. In contrast to frameworks that utilize a directed acyclic graph to build a posterior for a Bayesian model from small components, this package requires that you code a log-density function of the posterior in Julia. Derivatives can be provided manually, or using automatic differentiation. Consequently, this package requires that the user is comfortable with the basics of the theory of Bayesian inference, to the extent...
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  • 16


    Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc

    patat (Presentations Atop The ANSI Terminal) is a small tool that allows you to show presentations using only an ANSI terminal. It does not require ncurses. Leverages the great Pandoc library to support many input formats including Literate Haskell. Supports smart slide splitting. Slides can be split up into multiple fragments. There is a live reload mode. Theming support including 24-bit RGB. Auto advancing with configurable delay. Optionally re-wrapping text to terminal width with proper...
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  • 17
    DIY Split-Flap Display

    DIY Split-Flap Display

    DIY split-flap display

    This is a work in progress split-flap display. Each module can flip between 40 unique characters: letters, numbers, and a few symbols. Multiple modules fit perfectly alongside each other to build bigger displays. The primary design goal was to make something that's possible to fabricate at home in small or single quantities and can be customized and built by an intermediate hobbyist at a reasonable price. This meant using widely available materials and avoiding any tooling with a high upfront...
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  • 18


    Visualization components

    visx a collection of expressive, low-level visualization primitives for React. At Airbnb, we made it a goal to unify our visualization stack across the company and in the process, we created a new project that brings together the power of D3 with the joy of React. visx is split into multiple packages. Start small and use only what you need. Bring your own state management, animation library, or CSS-in-JS solution. Odds are good your React app already has an opinion on how animation, theming...
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    Missing data visualization module for Python

    Messy datasets? Missing values? missingno provides a small toolset of flexible and easy-to-use missing data visualizations and utilities that allows you to get a quick visual summary of the completeness (or lack thereof) of your dataset. Just pip install missingno to get started. This quickstart uses a sample of the NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions Dataset dataset. The msno.matrix nullity matrix is a data-dense display which lets you quickly visually pick out patterns in data completion...
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  • 20


    MathMod is a mathematical modeling software

    ... small screen formats: * Merged MathMod's two main windows into one ** Added touch gestures support *** Multi cores calculations optimization for embedded systems 3) Mandelbrot and Julia fractal functions support 4) New scripts: "Noids", "k_Noids", "Riemann_Minimal_Surface", "MandelBulb", "MandelTemple", "JuliaFractal", "MandelbrotTorus", "MandelbrotIsoSpheres", "MandelbrotSphere", "Mandelbrot", "Spherical_Harmonics" 5) Bug-fixes, code optimization and documentation update.
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  • 21
    Social Network Visualizer

    Social Network Visualizer

    Social Network Analysis and Visualization software

    Visit our new site: Social Network Visualizer (SocNetV) is a social network analysis and visualization application. You can draw a social network (graph/digraph) or load an existing one (GraphML, UCINET, Pajek, etc), compute cohesion, centrality, community and structural equivalence metrics and apply various layout algorithms based on actor centrality or prestige scores (i.e. Eigenvector, Betweenness) or on dynamic models (i.e. Kamada-Kawai spring-embedder)
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    MCE - Marching Cube ELD

    MCE - Marching Cube ELD

    Crystallographic software for displaying voxel maps - electron density

    MCE is an crystallographic experimental program for 3D and 2D electron density map visualization. The software is mainly focused on visualization of ELD calculated from X-ray diffraction data of small molecules, but it will work for small proteins as well. Download the installation file (default download) or find in "Files" the zip-file with instant copy of the program which does not require the installation.
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    Program for molecular graphics

    Charmol is a cross-platform GUI/command-line based program for making high-quality pictures of molecular structures, nowadays working on Linux, MacOS and Windows. As output, it produces POV-Ray rendered images or files in VRML format. Charmol is capable of making pictures containing: - from small- to large-size molecules - more molecules together (different settings possible) - orbitals using molden and fchk files (GTO functions up to 'h' angular momentum supported) - surfaces...
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    a fork of the Panorama Tools / libpano13 with a fast PTOptimizer

    This is a fork of Panorama Tools / libpano13-2.9.21 Mercurial. PTOptimizer is part of panorama tools, a great software for aligning and stitching several partially overlapping photos in order to get a bigger photo. When you have only a small or medium number of images and control points, the original PTOptimizer does the optimization in a fairly short time. However if you have a large number of images (several hundrets or more than thousand) and control points, PTOptimizer typically needs...
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    Julia implementation of various rigid body dynamics

    RigidBodyDynamics.jl is a rigid body dynamics library in pure Julia. It aims to be user friendly and performant, but also generic in the sense that the algorithms can be called with inputs of any (suitable) scalar types. This means that if fast numeric dynamics evaluations are required, a user can supply Float64 or Float32 inputs. However, if symbolic quantities are desired for analysis purposes, they can be obtained by calling the algorithms with e.g. SymPy.Sym inputs. If gradients are...
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