Invading aliens type game using SDL
First experiment with OpenGL - a simple car racing game
3D Interactive sandbox environment
Fom the developer that brought you FlappyBirdPC comes OpenTTDFree.
A Simple Game Engine
Flatland is the virtual environment for Virtual Reality.
3D game engine for C and C++
Scriptable frontend for media applications.
A graphics engine + toolkit.
media player focused on GPU acceleration
PC-98 emulator for Android phones
Gameboy Advance emulator for Android phones
Game development toolkit
Tactical, turn-based game engine, that uses OpenGL and WinAPI
C/C++ library to add light and intuitive GUI to OpenGL and DX programs
3D vehicle simulator based on Lagrangian dynamics to simulate dynamics
realistic but simple flight simulator: exploration and casual landing
realistic truck simulator with 3D graphics done from zero
GPU Interactive Program For Edge detection