Portable stopwatch and countdown timer for Windows
A distraction plain free text editor with focus on aesthetics.
A multithreaded, test-driven electronics emulator for .net 4.0.
Arengu is a free 2D RPG with a thrilling story and exciting gameplay.
A C# application for scientists in the area of physical chemistry
Fast YouTube player that can save favorites and download video/audio
An open source skateboard games engine written in C# and .NET.
Syntactic script interpreter
Finds a process which steals the focus unexpectedly.
Dynamic modularization framework in .net for OSGi Alliance
.EPC (Electronic Product Code) Encoding/Decoding Library for .NET
Simple Tool for performing audit from a software inventory
Beautiful and fast web browser
Basic routing and spatial functions using OpenStreetMap data
A simple video-security through cheap webcams
A generic framework for the generation of game levels.