The most popular open-source eCommerce shopping cart solution
API creation made simple, secure and fast
Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating data
An extremely easy way to perform background processing in Java
Text-based user interface to query data on Oracle DB in a smart way
Pentaho offers comprehensive data integration and analytics platform.
smart and open source document management system
Database Replication, Filtered Synchronization, and Transformation
A DPA process-based application platform with a workflow engine
Open Source Openbravo POS convert to Commercial Retail ERP and POS
JobScheduler workload automation to execute jobs and workflows
Take your office and CRM into the cloud!
Enterprise project management replacement for Project Server
Free Open Source Reporting tool for .NET
Gea.Net Pro Software gestionale ERP per PMI
Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
The open-source digital workplace for growing teams and enterprises.
Openbravo ERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP)
is low code bpm platform, which is easy to install and easy to use
MDG for Sparx' Enterprise Architect to Create TRAK arch. descriptions
Qvu Data Service is an ad-hoc query, reporting and api data service
Webbased modeling tool