Search Results for "pixel-experience" - Page 5

503 programs for "pixel-experience" with 1 filter applied:

  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    The package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics

    The high performance open source package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics Criterial is an add-in for all desktop versions of the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets on any 64-bit operating systems. The combination of the unsurpassed convenience of spreadsheets as frontend and the maximum speed of the C++ programming language as backend. Contains user experience and the best ideas of projects AtteStat and StatAnt. Completely free. No donation required. Criterial comes...
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  • 2
    GrainSizeTools script

    GrainSizeTools script

    A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections

    ... the areas of the grain profiles measured grain-by-grain on planar sections and does not require previous experience with Python programming language (see documentation below and FAQ). For users with coding skills, the script is organized in a modular way facilitating the reuse and code extension. Lopez-Sanchez, MA (2018). GrainSizeTools: a Python script for grain size analysis and paleopiezometry based on grain size. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(30), 863,
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  • 3
    GEM (Graphics Environment for Multimedia) is a library to be used with Miller Puckette's Max-like realtime-computermusic-software "Pure Data" (Pd), which allows to draw and control openGL- and pixel-graphics (like video) in realtime from within Pd.
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  • 4


    Web-based introductory coding environment

    CodeJo is a web app that allows users to write Python code to control a web canvas element (a pixel grid) or another graphical display element. At this time, grid (web canvas) and fabric (a library that also uses a web canvas) are available, but new modules can be added to the system.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    grafx - Extensible Java Graphics Package

    grafx - Extensible Java Graphics Package

    Extensible Line-drawing & Polygon-filling Rasterization Libs for Java

    Line-drawing and polygon-filling rasterization algorithms in Java. Simple 2D package and more complex 3D package with Z-buffering. Texture mapping not supported at the moment. Color interpolation for lines, Gouraud shading for polygons fully supported. Floating point vertex coordinates, not integer. Pixel-level aliasing, not endpoint aliasing. Doesn't use Bresenham line style! Works with all Java versions. No external dependencies. Suitable for study in academic institutions...
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  • 6
    Image Gallery Content Management System

    Image Gallery Content Management System

    I dream my software will fall into good hands, to display nice content

    Image Gallery CMS WebApp - I dream my software will fall into good hands - to display nice content. Soon more info on tools and possibilities. Upload an image to the MySQL database and file system. The database that holds the image has been optimized using 'WebP' re-encoding and the appropriate width/height pixel size settings. The original image file remains unaltered and is stored on the file system.
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  • 7
    A multiplatform module playing library, and a tracker project, written in Free Pascal. Intended to achieve near 100% compatibility with the four classic and most popular trackers from the DOS and Amiga eras - Impulse Tracker 2.14, Fast Tracker 2, Scream Tracker 3 and ProTracker. Tralala Impulsive is a tracker, attempting to recreate the user experience of Impulse Tracker.
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  • 8
    Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks
    Game based on the game "Tetris Attack". This has nothing to do with the classic tetris game. This project's main focus is on the single player experience.
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  • 9


    Create webpages for very large collections of images and descriptions

    Bldndx frees viewing images from the social media world of low resolution providing access to high resolution images and providing text descriptions of each image in web pages with an index and providing a summary image with thumbnails of all images. The text descriptions and high resolution images improve the viewing experience by identifying each image and its contents and detailing the image. Bldndx builds web pages with an index for displaying images (note that videos are also supported...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10
    Launch4j Executable Wrapper
    Cross-platform Java executable wrapper for creating lightweight Windows native EXEs. Provides advanced JRE search, application startup configuration and better user experience.
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  • 11
    Rapid ERP Development

    Rapid ERP Development

    Great Open Source Plugins For iDempiere ERP Project

    I created a set of simple plugins to use iDempiere ERP with Unicenta POS, Android Scanner, Budgeting, Warehousing, Manufacturing, on-the-fly generators for App Dictionary, CRM Board and Charts, Kanban Board, Translation and more. Always complete with full technical documentation, blogs and movie tutorials. No information hiding. Its the open source sharing passion and i wanted to give it all back. Much of my present work is sponsored by SYSNOVA, the largest iDempiere conglomerate user and...
    Downloads: 38 This Week
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  • 12


    A beautiful and flexible admin panel creator based on Livewire

    ... an integer for pixel.
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  • 13
    macOS Cursors Megapack for Windows

    macOS Cursors Megapack for Windows

    Tested in Windows 10 & 11, 4K (125%, 150%, 200%)

    macOS Cursors Megapack for Windows. These cursors are only for 4K (3840 x 2160 pixel) resolution.
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  • 14


    Swift library to generate differences and patches between collections

    Differ generates the differences between Collection instances. There’s a lot more to calculating diffs than performing table view animations easily. Wherever you have code that propagates added/removed/moved callbacks from your model to your user interface, you should consider using a library that can calculate differences. Animating small batches of changes is usually going to be faster and provide a more responsive experience than reloading all of your data. Calculating and acting...
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  • 15
    nV@derz! is a two-dimensional, vertical space shooter inspired by the classic arcade game Space Invaders. The player must defend the planet from waves of aliens, and the game features a few variations from the original. Play with PC joysticks or keyboard with one or two players. Note (04-26-2017): Sound may not work on some systems. Please share your experience with nV@derz! in the Discussion forum or make a ticket in the Bugs tracker. Thanks.
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  • 16


    Next Scripting Framework (NSF)

    ... languages. NSF ships with 3 fully scripted language definitions, containing XOTcl 2 and the Next Scripting language NX. NX is a highly flexible and object-oriented scripting language. It is a descendant of XOTcl and was designed based on 10 years of experience with XOTcl in projects containing several hundred thousand lines of code. While XOTcl was the first language designed to provide language support for design patterns, NX adds language-oriented programming and higher safety.
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  • 17
    Atricore’s JOSSO is an open source and commercially supported Internet Single Sign-On (FSSO) solution for point-and-click and standards-based (SAML2) Internet-scale SSO implementations. For more information contact us at :
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  • 18


    A tictactoe game writtein in Python/PyQt

    The classic TicTacToe game written in Python 3 with the use of the Qt5 library. Only needed is a Python 3 interpreter, game will download rest of dependiences itself. Targeted at UNIX platforms, but works on windows too.
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  • 19
    Nim Game Library

    Nim Game Library

    NimGL is a Nim library that offers bindings for popular libraries

    NimGL (Nim Game Library) is a collection of bindings for popular libraries, mostly used in computer graphics. A library of libraries. This collection of bindings is heavily inspired by LWJGL3. It enables low-level access and it is not a framework, so we highly encourage you to use a game engine if you do not have experience in working with low-level graphics development. These bindings contain several optional helper procedures to help with development and to better suit it to the language.
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    Syntax Untangler

    Teach your students how to figure out tricky texts in any language.

    Web-based activity that asks the learner to visually mark up a short primary text in any language, in order to improve small-scale reading skills. Students get instant feedback to actions. Instructors use Web-based authoring interface to write and publish their content and questions in any language (Unicode).
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  • 21


    please, sudo like program with regex support written in rust

    Admin your machines without giving users full root shells, define roles with regex if you like. Most admins have experience of regex in one form or another, so lets configure access that way.
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  • 22
    ASCII Art

    ASCII Art

    Real-Time ASCII Art Rendering Library

    A header-only, C/C++ library that lets you transform an input image or video frame into printable ASCII characters in real-time using a single decision tree. ASCII Art is a single header, C/C++ library developed by PixLab and based on the work of Nenad Markus that let you transform an input image or video frame into printable ASCII characters at real-time using a single decision tree. Real-time performance is achieved by using pixel intensity comparison inside the internal nodes of the tree.
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  • 23


    OpenNum lets you distribute solvers with a nice graphical interface

    Typically, to program a GUI is time consuming and requires experience with graphic libraries. OpenNum lets you create a graphical interface adapted to your solvers by simply editing an XML configuration file. More specifically, OpenNum lets you · to collect a hierarchical dataset, · to call any executable file and · to visualize scalar and vector fields, plot graphs or show simple plain text files. It also has other useful utilities specifically designed for numerical...
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  • 24


    A library for running through a directional graph.

    This is the library for the project Bifurcum. It does all the work. It has a simple algorithm (Deep First Search with modifications) and allows sorting children before traversing. This library sums up the authors 4-years experience when programming a commercial tool for graph traversing (which used a much more advanced algorithm) and coaching its users.
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  • 25


    A lghtweight AOP(Android) application framework

    A lightweight AOP (Android) application framework, including the most practical AOP applications. It is better to act than to be excited, so hurry up and click on the user manual to experience it! In order to facilitate the quick integration of the X series framework library, I provide an empty shell template for your reference. Supports quick click slices @SingleClick, and supports setting the time interval of quick clicks. Supports dynamic application for permission slices @Permission...
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