One of the leading short-/long-read aligner to large genomes
Sensor Middleware
Analyze time-course data with significance tests, clustering, modeling
An accurate & fast error-model based simulator for SNPs, Indel & CNVs
mitoMaker - a mitochondria pipeline wrapper script
Scripts and supplementary data for budden2014predictive manuscript
Extracting effects of mutations on molecular properties from text.
Scripts and supplementary data for budden2014exploring manuscript
Leave-k-out-Jackknife Pearson correlation
eLCS - Educational Learning Classifier System
a simple genetic algorithm written in FreeBasic
a parallel and space-efficient Burrows-Wheeler transfrom constructor
A toolkit for developing and deploying protein structure algorithms.
Browser for viewing Gene Ontology (GO) .obo files.
Calculates phospho-site localizations
The DEPRECATED legacy location of the GO, see