The Chef cookbook used to build and bootstrap AWS ParallelCluster
A comprehensive LaTeX template with examples for theses, books, etc.
A library for audio and music analysis, feature extraction
A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph
Reusable code patterns which you can use as reference or copy
fast C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing
Python package to analyze DNA methylation data
Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies
PySCeS is the Python Simulator of Cellular Systems
A bioinformatics pipeline to analyze mtDNA from NGS data
Somatic fusion-genes finder for RNA-seq data
linear algebra library for Python
Deep Learning (Flower Book) mathematical derivation
TCellXTalk Web-App from LP CSIC/UAB
Python Cookbook, 3rd edition translation
A simple GUI for some of the biological sequence analysis.
A fast and accurate pipeline for DNA barcoding analysis.
CSBB - Computational Suite for Bioinformaticians and Biologists
An intuitive molecular editor and visualization tool
CpG methylation analysis of amplicons from bisulfite sequencing
Combining de novo and reference-guided assembly with Scaffold_builder
ChIP-RNA-sequencing-processing (ChIP-RNA-seqPRO)
A whole exome sequencing analysis package and its graphical interface