Showing 421 open source projects for "plots"

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    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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  • 1


    Scripts for Modelling Human Epidermal ERK-MAPK Activation

    ...-0509-4-157]. This package includes: - MATLAB code containing the model definition, together with a script to perform non-linear least squares optimisation for a subset of parameters - python scripts which use libSBML to create an SBML representation of the model - SED-ML scripts which execute the SBML model under a range of conditions, produce output plots to recapitulate results shown in Cursons et al. (2015).
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  • 2

    Copy Number Explorer

    Interactive Copy Number Analysis for Cancer Genomics

    ... chromosomal and region-based queries more relevant to some researchers. Copy Number Explorer creates interactive CNV frequency, GISTIC-style and breakage frequency plots from public (or your own) data. The program is written in R and Perl and can be deployed online using . Copy Number Explorer is available under the GNU public license (GPL-3). Check the Wiki for details on how to run your own Copy Number Explorer instance.
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  • 3
    Imperia Classic (Old Version)

    Imperia Classic (Old Version)

    The world's first 5X 4X space strategy game.

    NOTE: This old version has been deleted since it is based on XNA and no longer runs on Windows 10 OS. Please go to our website for updates on our new version at! If you have already downloaded this version, please be aware that it is over 2 years old and the technology base is very out of date. The new version is based on Unity 5.4 and C#.
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  • 4


    Maximum Likelihood fitting programme using ROOT and RooFit

    A maximum likelihood fitting package based on ROOT/RooFit for HEP. The fitting is driven by a text file and includes the following main options: 1) fitting, plotting and extraction of PDFs; 2) fitting of maximum likelihood models; 3) creation of projection and sPlot plots; 4) scanning about maximum likelihood minima; 5) combination of maximum likelihood curves with systematic errors for extraction of significance and combined errors; 6) toy studies; 7) means and pulls on fitted observables...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5


    FastQFS: A Tool for evaluating and filtering paired-end sequences

    ### ### Generate plots ### perl -plotting Yes -fw <Forward reads file> -rw <Reverse reads file> -prefix <Prefix for the output files> -sc <Scoring system used (33 or 64)> -gsize <expected genome size in MBs> -l <Read length> ### ### Perform read filtering ### perl -filtering Yes -fw <Forward reads file> -rw <Reverse reads file> -prefix <Prefix for the output files> -sc <Scoring system used (33 or 64)> -mq <Base_quality_cutoff> -q <Average read...
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  • 6

    Caplan Capacity Planning

    Unix capacity planning tool

    This tool will try to be a capacity planning tool. A demo of the SVN version is available at It make plots from KPI ( CPU , Memory, Volume ) collected by an agent. Warning and critical levels are toogled by night collecte, load, analyse treatment This tool is designed to check your infrastructure capacity and challenge it against your capacity planning. The project contain a Server - Front-end web based - Back-end with a night job for data collect...
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  • 7

    Excel COM API for Python

    Python class to communicate with Ecxcel via COM interface

    Python class for communicate with Excel via COM interface. The "excel_com" inside is basic class. Usage examples can be found in Other files may be seen as additional examples of usage for "excel_com" class. Any suggestions or comments welcomed.
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  • 8

    Data visualization tool

    scientific data visualization, time history, scatter plots, spectral

    View/plot/graph scientific data such as time history, scatter plots, PSD, Bode, Flight track, tephigram, linear regression (single and multi variate). Playback was developed for aerospace and atmospheric research environment and as such support plotting specifically for these disciplines but it is by no means limited to these and contains many generalized plotting and data visualization capabilities. Playback uses GTK2 and compiles under Linux. It has been compiled under windows...
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  • 9
    PanelCheck is an easy-to-use software tool for visualization of sensory profiling data using different types of plots. The joint information from the implemented plots provide detailed insight into assessor and panel performance.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    SRAM Memory Aging Simulator for Image/Video Processing Systems

    ... of aging results in form of heatmaps, box plots and histograms. It can also be used as a standalone tool for visualizing YUV 4:2:0p video files. In case of usage, please refer to our DAC'15 paper: M. Shafique, M. U. K. Khan, Orcun Tuefek and J. Henkel, "EnAAM: Energy-Efficient Anti-Aging for On-Chip Video Memories", in Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, 2015.
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  • 11
    GPS Plotting System (GPSPS)

    GPS Plotting System (GPSPS)

    Designed for the hobby of launching & tracking weather balloons.

    This software is designed to facilitate the hobby of launching and tracking down weather balloons by the plotting of a GPS's location on Google Earth, via the NMEA format. As a bonus this software will predict an airborne balloon payload using U.S. weather sounding data and take many variables into account. GPSPS also allows multiple plots to be active at once. Input should follow the NMEA format, currently only GPRMC or GPGGA NMEA messages are supported.
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  • 12


    A simple GUI for post-processing data files from OpenSees analysis.

    A simple GUI for post-processing data files from OpenSees analysis.
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  • 13


    Displays and stores sport workouts from gpx files

    Visualize, analyse, compare and store your workouts with InShape. Meant to work with gps type of data, it provides a friendly and efficient interface with many options for customizable display, with a calendar, list of workouts, plots and map. The UI can be customized to keep only user-relevant information, unlike many other existing softwares. It is straightforward to get the time-averaged or many other type of relevant information for a given workout, as well as to compare several...
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  • 14


    A computational chemistry monitoring, parsing and plotting application

    ccwatcher monitors the progress of computational chemistry calculations during runtime. It has both a GUI and a "Command Line Interface" to which it parses important output and plots SCF energies.
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  • 15


    Plotter for Control-Systems (Root-Locus, Step-Response, Bode)

    This Projects target is to visualize the properties of Control-Systems. One can insert the roots of the caracteristic Equation and plot the Locus by varying the Parameters. One can insert the transfer-function and view the changing response by varying the parameters. This applies also to the Bode-Plot. All those Plots can apply to the same Control-System and are updated in Realtime.
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  • 16
    Picolog Viewer

    Picolog Viewer

    An alternative viewer for Picolog data

    An alternative viewer for Picolog data. It is a simple graphical display for temperature plots coming out of a Picolog data recorder. It uses ZedGraph. The main reason for writing this was to replace the strange zoom control that comes with the Picolog Player. Picolog Viewer has simple horizontal band zoom. v1: Supports multiple data loggers - One graph per logger. Does not label the horizontal (time) axis This is nothing to do with Pico Technologies.
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  • 17


    Time series plots of data from database

    Designed to display performance data from AWS/RDS hosted database. Programmed in C++ using Qt 4.8.5, initialization of plots rendered as JSON. Some data gathered by periodic: (SELECT 'status_datetime' AS VARIABLE_NAME, LOCALTIME() AS VARIABLE_VALUE) UNION (SELECT VARIABLE_NAME, VARIABLE_VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS ORDER BY VARIABLE_NAME); and the rest CloudWatch metrics gathered via the AWS API.
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  • 18
    CNV Explorer

    CNV Explorer

    Interactive Copy Number Analysis for Cancer Genomics

    ..., current tools focus on individual gene queries rather than chromosomal and region-based queries more relevant to some researchers. CNV_Explorer creates interactive CNV frequency, GISTIC-style and breakage frequency plots from public (or your own) data. CNV_Explorer is written in R and Perl and can be deployed online using . CNV_Explorer is available under the GNU public license (GPL-3). Check the Wiki for details on how to run your own CNV_Explorer instance!
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  • 19


    Visualize Estimates of Exponential Learning

    VEEL is a simple tool to make plots of exponential learning curves for behavioral experiments. It also provides parameter estimates in output files.
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  • 20
    Complex Numbers Calculator Graphing Tool

    Complex Numbers Calculator Graphing Tool

    Calculator for complex numbers

    Calculator for complex numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with complex numbers. This calculator lets you calculate in an easy and fast way the operations between two complex numbers. It also shows the plots of the source numbers and the results. It shows also the quadrants, the magnitudes, and the angles of all the numbers involved. You just put your two numbers and all the calculations will be done!!! As easy like that!!!
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  • 21

    Shiny CGH

    Interactive Array CGH Plots

    ... tools focus on individual gene queries rather than chromosomal and region-based queries more relevant to some researchers. Shiny CGH creates interactive CNV frequency, GISTIC-style and breakage frequency plots from public (or your own) data. Shiny CGH is written in R and Perl and can be deployed online using . Shiny CGH is available under the GNU public license (GPL-3). Check the Wiki for details on how to run your own Shiny CGH instance!
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  • 22

    Maxima poles-zeros for analog circuits

    Maxima script for symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits

    Script for Maxima (a Computer Algebra System) that performs symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits. Script allows to find approximated poles and zeros of transfer functions, developed and optimized for transfer functions of amplifiers, but can be used also for any general analog circuit. The script calculates DC transfer function, zeros, poles and creates Bode plots. DC transfer function, zeros, poles result simplified so main contributing elements can be easily identified. Poles...
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  • 23


    Software to help analyse Strand-Seq data

    Software to create strand inheritance plots in data derived from the Strand-Seq sequencing protocol. The software is designed to be flexible with a range of species, and basic template folders can called to read in species-specific data.
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  • 24
    MatStrat is a new open source Matlab toolbox that generates publication-quality stratigraphic plots and enables quantitative analysis of stratigraphic data.
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  • 25
    Assisted dRawing toOl

    Assisted dRawing toOl

    ARO helps physically disabled students to create mathematical drawings

    ... and ruler constructions Scatter graphs Stem and leaf displays Box plots Histograms Pie charts Simple diagrams. The structure of each drawing is built from individual components which can be placed on the drawing grid without great accuracy. Each can then be positioned exactly using onscreen buttons. The ruler and the protractor can be aligned with any straight line. Drawings can be created on imported background bitmaps. The author was a mathematics lecturer at Plymouth University.
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