Scripts for Modelling Human Epidermal ERK-MAPK Activation
Interactive Copy Number Analysis for Cancer Genomics
The world's first 5X 4X space strategy game.
Maximum Likelihood fitting programme using ROOT and RooFit
FastQFS: A Tool for evaluating and filtering paired-end sequences
Unix capacity planning tool
Python class to communicate with Ecxcel via COM interface
scientific data visualization, time history, scatter plots, spectral
SRAM Memory Aging Simulator for Image/Video Processing Systems
Designed for the hobby of launching & tracking weather balloons.
A simple GUI for post-processing data files from OpenSees analysis.
Displays and stores sport workouts from gpx files
A computational chemistry monitoring, parsing and plotting application
Plotter for Control-Systems (Root-Locus, Step-Response, Bode)
An alternative viewer for Picolog data
Time series plots of data from database
Interactive Copy Number Analysis for Cancer Genomics
Visualize Estimates of Exponential Learning
Calculator for complex numbers
Interactive Array CGH Plots
Maxima script for symbolic analysis of analog integrated circuits
Software to help analyse Strand-Seq data
ARO helps physically disabled students to create mathematical drawings