sq data wrangler
A lightweight & portable faas engine
The Uber Go Style Guide
An extensible Markdown Editor, Viewer and Weblog Publisher for Windows
jquery tree plugin
This is the official repository for the back end of the Andronix app
A git query language
Batch file to toggle between light and dark mode in Windows.
A tool for converting Kubernetes YAML manifests to Terraform HCL
One Click Solution to Convert Outlook Files to Retrieve Data Again
Karaoke for Windows
Bouncing Balls Screensaver for Win 10 in QB64
Native Midnight Commander 4.8.30 for Windows/Win32
One hundred command line tools in a small and portable binary.
A GUI tool for organizing files, based on file extension type.
The free and Open Source productivity suite
LCARS User Interface for Windows 10/11- Ver. 3.0 (Updated:3-10-23)
A New Bootable USB Solution
DNP3 Source code Library for Windows and simulator
Apache v2.4, MariaDB v10.4, PHP v8.1 With Automated Service Installers
Small joke script wrote as a sort of prank. Use it at your own risk.
phpFileManager a complete filesystem management tool on a single file.