Represent CSV data as Scatter Series and Line Series Plots
Axis Transformation Object Recognition
Fix xbox 360 controller's trigger or Z-axis problem on Old games.
C++ Chart Library for wxWidgets
PDBManip is a free program for editing PDB (Protein Data Bank) Files
A C++ implementation of a nonlinear 3D IMU fusion algorithm.
Rubik's Cube game
ODBO provider for connections to XMLA data sources
QPlot - 2d plotting tool based on Qwt
Full Body Interaction Framework
AVR-based single axis stepper motor controller
Turns your synaptics touchpad into a midi controller.
A simple GUI for post-processing data files from OpenSees analysis.
GRBL port for RAMPS .1
Integrating a Varnam Q3 motion sensing remote control and Raspberry Pi
converts cosmic-ray files from GALPROP for viewing / plotting.
Enter a two dimensional maze and exit automatically.
A powerful, versatile tool for offilne spike analysis and sorting
NAL Numerical Analysis Library
Visually explore patterns created using geometrical recursion.